Thursday, December 07, 2023
Alvopetro Energy Ltd.’s vision is to become a leading independent upstream and midstream operator in Brazil. Our strategy is to unlock the on-shore natural gas potential in the state of Bahia in Brazil, building off the development of our Caburé natural gas field and our strategic midstream infrastructure.
Michael Heim, Senior Vice President, Equity Research Analyst, Energy & Transportation, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.
Alvopetro released November production volumes that accelerated its recent upward trend. Alvopetro reported November gas production of 12.9 mmcfe/day (up from 10.6 mmcfe/day in October), oil production of 15 boe/day (vs. 8 boe/day), and NGL production of 105 boe/day (up from 67 boe/day). Production was depressed over the summer due to allocation issues with a joint venture partner and demand issues from Bahia Gas, Alvopetro’s primary natural gas customer. Total production was 2,264 boe/day in November.
Total production remains below peak levels but is approaching that level quickly. Production peaked at 2,771 MBOE/day in the quarter ended March 31, 2023. However, with production rising 425 MBOE/day in the most recent month, it is quickly returning to past production levels. Importantly, oil and natural gas production is the fastest growing component of Alvopetro energy portfolio providing additional diversification and lessening its reliance on Bahia Gas.
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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).
*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.