Oil Heads for First Annual Decline Since 2020 as Oversupply Weighs

Oil prices are on pace to decline around 10% in 2022, which would mark the first annual drop since the pandemic-driven crash of 2020. After a volatile year, bearish sentiment has taken hold in oil markets amid fears that surging production outside OPEC will lead to an oversupplied market.

With the global economy slowing, especially in key consumer China, demand growth is stalling. Meanwhile, output has hit new highs in the United States, Brazil, Guyana and other non-OPEC countries. This perfect storm of sluggish demand and robust non-OPEC supply has tipped the balance into surplus, putting downward pressure on prices.

West Texas Intermediate futures are trading near $72 per barrel, down from over $120 in June. The international Brent benchmark is hovering under $78, having fallen from summertime highs over $130. Despite ongoing risks, including escalating Iran-related tensions in the Middle East, oil is poised to post its first yearly decline since the Covid crisis cratered prices in 2020.

Supply Surge Outside OPEC Upsets Market Balance

Much of the extra crude swamping the market is coming from the United States. American oil output averaged 13.3 million barrels per day last week, a record high. Exceptional production growth is also happening in Brazil, Guyana, Canada and other countries.

The International Energy Agency expects this non-OPEC supply surge to continue, forecasting growth of 1.2 million barrels per day next year. That will more than satisfy the world’s modest demand growth projected at 1.1 million barrels per day in the IEA’s base case scenario.

With non-OPEC, and chiefly U.S. shale, filling demand, OPEC and its allies have lost their traditional grip on balancing the market. Despite cutting output targets substantially, OPEC+ efforts to lift prices seem futile.

Traders anticipate more discipline will be required to bring inventories down. But further significant cuts could simply provide more space for American drillers to increase production, replacing any barrels OPEC removes.

Tepid Demand Outlook Adds to Gloomy Price Forecast

On top of the supply influx, oil bulls are also contending with a deteriorating demand environment. High inflation, rising interest rates, and frequent Covid outbreaks have slowed China’s economy significantly.

With Chinese oil consumption dropping, global demand growth is expected to decelerate in 2024. Major financial institutions like Morgan Stanley see demand expanding at less than 1 million barrels per day. That’s about half the pace forecast for 2023.

Other major economies in Europe and North America are also wobbling, further dampening the demand outlook. Less robust consumption, together with the supply deluge, points to a market remaining oversupplied through next year.

In futures markets, bearish sentiment has sunk in. Both WTI and Brent futures point to prices averaging around $80 per barrel in 2023, barring a major geopolitical disruption. That would cement the first back-to-back years of oil price declines since 2015-2016.

Wildcard Risks – Can Middle East Tensions Shift Momentum?

As oversupply dominates, the greatest upside risk to prices may be conflict-driven outages that take substantial oil capacity offline. Heightened tensions between Iran and the West pose this type of wildcard geopolitical threat.

Recent attacks on oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz and Arabian Sea occurred after the U.S. killed an Iranian commander. Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen also launched missiles and drones at facilities in Saudi Arabia.

While no significant disruptions have occurred so far, direct hostilities between Iran and the U.S. or its allies could sparks clashes endangering Middle East output. Iran has threatened to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, which handles a fifth of global oil trade. Any major loss of supply through this chokepoint could upend the bearish outlook.

For now, however, the market remains fixated on bulging inventories and the supply free-for-all outside OPEC. As the world undergoes a historic shift in oil production geography, the industry faces a reckoning over whether unchecked growth risks unsustainably low prices. If the supply surge continues outpacing demand, today’s pessimism over prices could last well beyond 2024.

Take a look at more emerging growth energy companies by taking a look at Noble Capital Markets’ Senior Research Analyst Michael Heim’s coverage universe.

The Hidden Value in Offshore Drilling Stocks

Oil markets and energy stocks often get painted with a broad brush. But within the sector, offshore drilling stocks offer upside that many investors are overlooking. Despite cries of peak oil demand, fundamentals for rig owners point to gains ahead.

The oil services sector has rocketed over 50% higher in the last year, soundly beating the S&P 500. Yet offshore drilling stocks remain unloved. This creates an opportunity for investors willing to take a contrarian bet.

The bull case lies in constrained supply and rapidly rising prices. ESG considerations have limited capital investment in new oil production. But robust demand has returned as pandemic impacts recede. This supply/demand imbalance has sent oil above $80 per barrel.

Day rates for offshore rigs are soaring as utilization rates stick near 90%. However, shipyards are focused on liquefied natural gas, not building fresh drilling ships. That means supply can’t catch up to growing demand in a hurry.

This grants pricing power to rig owners. Valaris, Noble, and Weatherford have emerged from bankruptcy with pristine balance sheets. Meanwhile Transocean boasts the most high-specification rigs, positioning it to profit from climbing day rates.

Yet valuations look disconnected from fundamentals. Offshore drillers trade at up to an 80% discount to replacement value, signaling the market doubts their potential. But conditions point to further gains.

Why Energy Could Shine for Investors

Beyond compelling fundamentals, two key reasons make energy stocks stand out right now:

  1. Inflation hedge – Energy equities have historically held up well during inflationary periods. With prices still running hot, oil stocks may offer protection if high inflation persists.
  2. Contrarian bet – Energy is the most hated sector this year, with heavy net outflows from funds. That sets up a chance to buy low while others are selling.

To be clear, the long-term peak oil argument holds merits. The global energy transition will likely constrain fossil fuel demand over time. But that shift will take decades to play out.

In the meantime, diminished investment and stiff demand creates room for shares like offshore drillers to run higher. For investors willing to make a contrarian bet, the neglected energy space offers rare value.

ESG Sours Sentiment But Oil Remains Key

What about the ESG push away from fossil fuels? Shift is clearly underway. But hydrocarbons still supply 80% of global energy needs. Realistically, oil and gas will remain vital to powering the world for years to come.

Market sentiment has soured on all things oil. But investors should remember that supply/demand, not narrative, ultimately drives commodity prices. Offshore drillers look primed to benefit from that dynamic.

While oil markets face uncertainty beyond the next decade, conditions now point to upside in left-behind niches like offshore drilling stocks. For investors who see value where others only see headwinds, forgotten energy corners may hold diamonds in the rough.

Take a moment to look at Noble Capital Market’s Energy Industry Report by Senior Research Analyst Michael Heim.

InPlay Oil (IPOOF) – Results meet expectations, new drilling may be accelerating growth

Thursday, March 16, 2023

InPlay Oil is a junior oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in Alberta focused on light oil production. The company operates long-lived, low-decline properties with drilling development and enhanced oil recovery potential as well as undeveloped lands with exploration possibilities. The common shares of InPlay trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol IPO and the OTCQX Exchange under the symbol IPOOF.

Michael Heim, CFA, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

Results demonstrate strong growth, generally meeting expectations. Annual production volumes came in at the lower end of guidance but 58% above last year. Higher production levels in the area may be beginning to show signs of affecting takeaway capacity (see third party curtailment and widening basis discount differentials). Weak summer natural gas prices bounced back nicely in the fourth quarter.

Drilling is accelerating and creating higher producing wells. The company drilled 17.5 net wells in 2022 surpassing our 15 well estimate. Management reports that initial production rates for recent wells were “significantly above internal expectations”. InPlay has been shifting towards longer horizontal laterals and spending more on infrastructure. Production increases seem to justify the higher costs. Management believes the steps it is taking will offset recent curtailments and reiterated 2023 production guidance.

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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.