Friday, December 22, 2023
Comstock (NYSE: LODE) innovates technologies that contribute to global decarbonization and circularity by efficiently converting under-utilized natural resources into renewable fuels and electrification products that contribute to balancing global uses and emissions of carbon. The Company intends to achieve exponential growth and extraordinary financial, natural, and social gains by building, owning, and operating a fleet of advanced carbon neutral extraction and refining facilities, by selling an array of complimentary process solutions and related services, and by licensing selected technologies to qualified strategic partners. To learn more, please visit www.comstock.inc.
Mark Reichman, Managing Director, Equity Research Analyst, Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.
Supply contracts secured. Comstock Metals has secured enough end-of-life solar panel supplier commitments to begin commissioning its first demonstration photovoltaic (PV) recycling facility upon receipt of required permits. Comstock Metals is negotiating agreements with major customers for industry-scale supply agreements. Comstock’s technology and renewable solutions provide a better alternative to land fill disposition of these materials. Comstock’s solution ensures safe deconstruction, decontamination, separation, and productive reuse of metals contained in end-of-life photovoltaic materials.
Demonstration PV recycling system. Comstock Metals is readying a demonstration facility that commercializes technologies for efficiently crushing, conditioning, extracting, and recycling metal and mineral concentrates from photovoltaics and other electronic devices. Comstock Metals previously received a storage permit and expects to receive the remaining air quality and solid waste permits shortly and expects to begin receiving, commissioning, and then processing the end-of-life panels in early 2024. Because Comstock Metals will likely receive a tipping fee for handling the end-of-life solar panels, Comstock Metals could begin generating cash flow with revenue recognized once the waste is processed and recycled.
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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).
*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.