Budget Discussions Likely to Roil Markets

Image: Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young besides President Biden (Credit: The White House, March 2022)

Investor Buy/Sell Patterns Could Change Under Biden Budget Proposals

The White House’s annual budget request to Congress has the power to move market sectors, as it’s a preliminary look at spending priorities and possible revenue sources. This year, alongside the pressure of Congress wrestling with raising the debt limit, the House Ways and Means Committee hearings related to the President’s budget could have a more significant impact than before. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will address the House committee on Friday, March 10th, and respond to questions. Taxation and spending priorities of the White House will be further revealed during this exchange.

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What is Expected

The President’s proposed budget for the 2024 fiscal year proposes cutting the U.S. deficit “by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade,” according to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, this is a much larger number than the $2 trillion mentioned as a goal during the State of the Union address last month. Jean-Pierre explained to reporters that the proposed spending reduction is “something that shows the American people that we take this very seriously,” and it answers, “how do we move forward, not just for Americans today but for … other generations that are going to be coming behind us.”

Source: Twitter

Biden’s requested budget includes a proposal that could impact healthcare as it would grow Medicare financing by raising the Medicare tax rate on earned and investment income to 5% from the current 3.8% for people making more than $400,000 a year.

Railroad safety measures are also included in Biden’s proposal, it asks for millions of additional funding for railroad safety measures spurred by recent derailments. The President also proposes a 5.2% pay raise for federal employees.

The budget deficit would be expected to shrink over ten years in part by raising taxes. One proposal investors should look out for is what has been called the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax. According to a White House brief, it “will ensure that the wealthiest Americans pay a tax rate of at least 20 percent on their full income, including unrealized appreciation. This minimum tax would make sure that the wealthiest Americans no longer pay a tax rate lower than teachers and firefighters.” The tax will apply only to the top 0.01% of American households (those worth over $100 million).

At present, the tax system discourages taking taxable gains on investments to postpone taxes. If adopted by Congress, a 20% tax on the unrealized appreciation of investments could have the effect of altering buying and selling patterns of securities, as well as real estate and other investments.

Jean-Pierre did say that the budget would propose “tax reforms to ensure the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share while cutting wasteful spending on special interests like big oil and big pharma.” One reform, the White House has been outspoken about is corporate buybacks. He proposes, quadrupling the tax on corporate stock buybacks.

Take Away

The market will get insight beginning the second week of March 2023 into the financial priorities of the White House and thoughts on members of the House Ways and Means Committee. While nothing is set in stone, the White House and Congress would both seem to be on the same side of more fiscal restraint.

And although nothing is close to complete, the discussions and news of debate can have a dramatic impact on markets. For example, investors may be treated to more buybacks if it appears the tax on buybacks will increase in 2024. Another example would be a tax on the appreciated investments of wealthy individuals. It could follow that accounts of these individuals would have an increased incentive to transact than under a system where capital gains are only recognized by the IRS after taken.

Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek






With New Health Research Mandate Billions To Be Made Available

Image: Public Domain (Pexels)

ARPA-H: High-Risk, High-Reward Health Research is the Mandate of New, Billion-Dollar US Agency

A new multibillion-dollar federal agency was created with a goal of supporting “the next generation of moonshots for health” in science, logistics, diversity and equality. And the agency now has it’s first leader, as President Joe Biden announced Renee Wegrzyn as director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, or ARPA-H, on Sept. 12, 2022.

Since the announcement of the intention to establish ARPA-H two years ago, this new agency has sparked interest and questions within both academia and industry.

This article was republished  with permission from The Conversation, a news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It represents the research-based findings and thoughts of Tong Sun, Assistant Dean of Translational Health Sciences, University of Washington.

I have been a director of innovation-driven health institutes for decades and have worked with many of the government agencies that fund science. I and many of my colleagues hope ARPA-H will become an agency that can quickly turn scientific discoveries into real-world advances to detect, prevent and treat diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. But questions still remain surrounding how it will work and what makes it different from other government-funded agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

What is ARPA-H?

ARPA-H is the newest entity established within the National Institutes of Health. ARPA-H was explicitly set up as an independent agency within NIH, in theory allowing it to benefit from the NIH’s vast scientific and administrative expertise and resources while still being nimble and forward-thinking.

ARPA-H was inspired by and modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, to rapidly develop cutting-edge technologies. DARPA is small compared to other federal research and development agencies, but has long been hugely successful. It played a critical role in spawning many technologies ranging from the internet to GPS, and even funded Moderna to develop mRNA vaccine technology in 2013.

ARPA-H is not the only DARPA spinoff. In 2006, the federal government created the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity to tackle difficult challenges in the intelligence community, and in 2009, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy was launched. Though its budget is small compared to the Department of Energy, ARPA-E has been incredibly effective in funding ambitious research into fighting climate change. By funding ambitious mid- and long-term projects, IARPA, ARPA-E and now ARPA-H are meant to operate in between slow, government-funded basic research and short-term, profit-driven private sector venture capital.

ARPA-H is modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which played a key role in developing many modern technologies, including personal computers. Tim Colegrove (Wikimedia Commons)

How Will the Agency Function?

Biden wants ARPA-H to replicate the success of DARPA, but in the health care realm, by providing “leadership for high-risk, high-reward biomedical and health research to speed application and implementation of health breakthroughs equitably.”

Established federal agencies like the NIH and the National Science Foundation prefer to fund more basic research and less risky projects compared to the high-risk, high-reward, applied science approach of DARPA. If ARPA-H wants to achieve the success of its predecessor, it will need to operate differently from NIH and NSF.

DARPA employs about 100 program managers who are “borrowed” from academia or industry for three to five years. These managers travel across the nation to meet with scientists and experts in different fields in order to generate ideas and start projects. These managers make funding decisions and work closely with their funded teams to overcome problems, but will cut funding if teams cannot deliver promised milestones on time. Many DARPA projects don’t produce spectacular successes, yet they pushed the boundaries of science and technology.

Many years ago, I had the privilege of working with a DARPA program manager alongside numerous experts in various scientific and medical fields. After several months of meetings, the program manager came up with the idea to develop “fracture putty” – a puttylike material that could be applied to the shattered bones of a wounded soldier in the battlefield. The material would support weight, prevent infection, expedite healing and bone regeneration and eventually dissolve away. The program launched in 2008, and our team of chemists, nanomaterials experts, bioengineers, mathematical modelers and surgeons was one of the funded teams in this program.

President Joe Biden appointed Renee Wegrzyn, a former DARPA project manager and biotech industry expert, to lead ARPA-H. Image: Renee Wegrzyn (@rwegrzyn)

Who is the New Director?

Wegrzyn holds a Ph.D. in molecular biology and bioengineering from Georgia Tech. She is currently a vice president of business development at Ginkgo Bioworks, a U.S. biotech company. Wegrzyn spent four and half years as a program manager in DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office, where she managed projects that focused on using genetic engineering and gene editing for biosecurity and public health. She also worked for another DARPA-inspired agency, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity.

At this moment, we don’t know yet the exact plan and progress in hiring APPA-H program managers and where APAR-H’s headquarters will be located. Several cities have expressed interest.

What Should People Look for as ARPA-H Gets Started?

DARPA is driven by talented, ambitious and risk-taking program managers. They are the ones who generate ideas and turn lofty goals into executable projects. It will be interesting to see how many and what kind of program managers ARPA-H hires in its early days, as these decisions will give an indication of which areas within health care the agency will be prioritizing.

I’ll also be watching to see how well ARPA-H and its program managers work within the NIH, which has an unbelievable depth of resources and expertise in all health care related fields that ARPA-H can tap into. But the NIH has very different funding mechanisms and culture from DARPA.

The final question is money. Biden wants US$6.5 billion in funding for ARPA-H, and he’s only gotten $1 billion from Congress so far. This is its first, biggest challenge. Finding political unity for funding may have to be this new agency’s first big breakthrough if it is to reach its goals.