How the Investment Playing Field Can Dramatically Change in November

Image Credit: The White House (Flickr)

The Mid-Term Elections are Just One of the SEC’s Concerns

The mid-term elections have the potential to alter the course of the markets. It’s easy to recognize how the possible outcomes can cause changes to the overall economy, including industry sectors, fuel prices, and perhaps even national debt levels. But, one area that is less obvious could also impact investors in a big way, regulation. As election day is now days away, many regulatory changes that have been in the works are quickly coming to a head, with the expectations there may be a change in priorities, power, and philosophy. The push to get things through in the coming days may still be undermined by the U.S. system. Here’s why.

The U.S. Government at Work

Federal regulators are in scramble-mode working to finalize proposed rules before what appears will be a change in the balance of power in the legislative branch. The possibility that there may be a Republican-controlled Congress or the expected idea that the democrats will lose control over one of the branches of Congress would soften their ability to institute their aggressive agendas. As the agencies refine their proposals, they also have to be mindful that it isn’t just the new Congress that will be evaluating new regulations. The Supreme Court has recently taken a heightened interest in agencies overstepping their charter, that interest is likely to continue.

It’s easy to see how Congress whose job it is to decide where money is spent, can dampen the agenda of the Department of Education (DOE), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or Gary Gensler’s plans at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). But, the Supreme Court is also more than a casual observer and has shown how willing it is to make sure everyone stays in their defined lanes. 

Recent SEC Initiatives

The SEC has a three-part mission that includes protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation. Under Gary Gensler, it has been working overtime to impact the changing marketplaces. The initiatives are considered by some to be beyond the scope of the SEC’s lawful mission.

Gensler, who was appointed by President Biden, has been extremely active. The former Chairman of the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and MIT economics professor is proposing or finalizing dozens of regulations. Some are minor alterations to existing rules, but many are complete redesigns of how they are handled now. This redesign may make it past an unenthusiastic Congress, as they have more pressing priorities, but they may experience an aggressive halt from the country’s Judicial branch.

Recent Supreme Court Actions

In June of 2022, the Supreme Court decided W. Virginia v. EPA. The decision struck down an EPA regulation fighting climate change. The decision was made based on the grounds that the rule violated the “major questions doctrine.” The Court had never used that term before, but it seemed evident that the court might use the term and intent of the phrase should it be called on to review other federal agencies and commissions.

The Court has the authority and now recent precedent to unwind regulation that goes beyond the original intent of Congress when an agency was created or any subsequent legal grants of authority. The 6-3 ruling against the EPA explained the Clean Air Act, designed for new power plant emissions, did not extend to existing plants requiring them to shift to wind or solar. It’s a nod by the Court to keep bureaucracies from growing beyond the express original legal reason for being. 

The ruling also is relevant in that it looked at Congress’s unwillingness to legislate and legitimize the way that the agency chose to regulate. One Justice in a concurring opinion wrote the decision was in part based on whether the agency was “intruding” in a traditional area of state law. 

How it Could Impact Investors

Under the major questions doctrine, several SEC efforts may become far more difficult.

One high-profile SEC goal involves environmental initiatives. Climate change activists have supported the SEC’s proposal to require companies to increase their disclosure of anticipated climate risks. But it would be difficult for the SEC to weigh its mission against this initiative and easily demonstrate that anyone has a great impact on the other (orderly markets, investor protection, capital formation). If environmental initiatives are to be carried out, they will need to be enacted by the representatives elected to legislate on behalf of citizens.

It is easy to see how priorities focusing more on fiscal restraint rather than environmental awareness could alter the investors playing field with a power change in the Capital building.

The so-called greening of Wall Street is just one example of how the elections will impact the coming year’s winners and losers in the stock market. Consider the SEC’s proposed rules for swaps, which are financial instruments that some investors use to speculate on securities. The SEC’s suggested rule would require public disclosure within a day of these transactions to the public. The proposed rule can be considered an unprecedented intervention in this multi-trillion-dollar market. The argument is strengthened by the reality that Congress could have authorized disclosure in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, but did not. The Supreme Court would be expected to rule on behalf of the laws as written.

Another SEC initiative also at risk is the proposed rule on “beneficial” ownership. Such a definition is important for a host of reporting obligations. The SEC is considering expanding what counts as ownership. But questions of ownership have long been a matter of state concern. Gorsuch may have something to say about the SEC’s effort to expand the definition. 

Another example is Kim Kardashian, who was ordered by the SEC to pay a fine for having touted a cryptocurrency on her Instagram account and the compensation she failed to disclose. The SEC has been in a battle with other financial overseers of the U.S. financial system to regulate and control digital currencies, which may or may not meet the definitions of a security or other language that legally created the commission.

Take Away

Regulatory agencies, including the SEC, are likely to have to contend with increased barriers with both the only branch of government that makes both laws and spends money and the branch that deciphers and enforces laws. Rather than argue if this is what should be, or if it slows down progress when wearing one’s investor hat,” investors may only want to consider what industries and what companies within those industries will be the winners and losers – then how does that fit into your overall portfolio strategy.

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Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek