Young Investor’s Skills are Apparently Well-Suited for Today’s Markets

The CFA Institute and FINRA Study on Gen Z Investors Would Put Smiles on Their Parent’s Face

Google’s AI chatbot Bard defines Generation Z, or Gen Z, as “the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha.” Broadly, the media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years as Gen Z. If one looks at the dates, most had internet in their homes on the day they arrived from the hospital after birth. Technology has advanced since then, and the generation that never knew life without is well-equipped to make it work for them.

Generation Z is considered more proactive about their money than their parents or their parents  parents. A survey by the CFA Institute and FINRA Investor Education Foundation  determined that 60% or 6 out of 10 of the Gen Z population owned at least some investments. Some 41% said they were investing in individual stocks, and 35% in mutual funds. The most popular investment? Crypto.  It was reported that 20% are invested in cryptocurrency and/or non-fungible tokens.

The report clarified that these investors are not yet retirement focused, but instead growing assets to have enough money for traveling or saving for unexpected expenses.

Why Gen Z’s Interest

The FINRA/CFA Institute report gave multiple reasons why young people are getting into investing. These include the ability to learn about investing through social media and other online platforms, the existence of apps that let them invest small amounts, such as through fractional shares, as well as the underlying fear of missing out on a more passive way they could make money.

Top Challenges to Meeting Financial Goals

With many sources easily accessible to this connected generation, Generation Z literally have a world of information in their hand, some of it very good, and some of it is probably worthless or damaging. Social media and internet searches take up the top means of learning about investing for this generation. Still on the subject of learning, they are least likely to talk to a financial professional.

Sources of Information Gen Z Use to Learn About Investing

The FINRA/CFA study drilled down deeper to discover the most popular online sources used by Gen Z  for investor information. The highest on the list is YouTube followed by internet searches. Lowest on this list is Facebook.

Portfolio Size and Nature

The median investor from this generation has an account worth $4,000. The women had smaller accounts averaging $3,000 versus Gen Z men, whose accounts averaged $5,000. 

Investing began very early for some as 25% of Gen Z investors said they began investing before they turned 18. The report indicated that starting at a relatively young age is common in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.  The technology of today allows investors to start small and trade incrementally, even fractionally. This along with curiosity and comfort with technology, is the driver to the first step.

The report was based on a survey of 2,872 investors and non-investors who were aged 18 to 25, as well as millennial and Generation X investors in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and China.

When first starting out, Gen Z most of these investors (44%) gravitated toward cryptocurrencies, according to the report. The median average they first began investing with is $1,000.

Take Away

The youngest adults are finding themselves motivated to invest, more so than any generation before. The top reason is it is easier for the generation to be involved in the markets. Many trade crypto, and own individual stocks. Video content as well as online searches are the primary sources of investment information.

As an aside, this article prompted me to look at the age demographics provided by Google Analytics for Channelchek. Channelchek provides investor information in both written and video formats. Out of the six age groups that Google tracks, 14% of our site traffic since the beginning of the year is attributable to the Gen Z age group.

Should you have any requests for content, or if you are well-versed in a topic that you think Channelchek readers may benefit from, click my name below to send an email, I’d enjoy speaking with you.

Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek


CFA/FINRA Report (May 2023)

Bard, from Google AI Provided Minor Cross-reference Information

The Massive Impact Millennials and Gen Zs Now Have on the Market

Image Credit: Jonas Foyn Therkelsen (Flickr)

Old School Versus New School are your Investments Inline with the Changing Investor Makeup?

Investing tastes and strategies vary by generation. And as technologies advance and provide self-directed investors with new methodologies, all investors should pay attention to shifts in the marketplace. According to a report by APEX Fintech Solutions, millennials, and Gen Z are gaining wealth at a rate of 25%, while all generations increased at only 16%. There are major implications for market moves as trillions are controlled by those that may have different risk tolerance, different holding periods, or a broadly different knowledge base about many companies and their products.

What Was Measured

The data compiled in the APEX report analyzed more than 1.3 million Gen Z accounts, in addition to

over 4.0 million millennial accounts, 2.0 million held by Gen X, and over half a million baby boomers. The numbers are calculated as of December 31, 2022. It also compared managed accounts to self-directed investments.

The four generations were defined in this way:

               Z:   Born 1997-2012 (25 and younger) – Generation Z

               M: Born 1981-1996 (26-41 years old) – Millenials

               X:  Born 1965-1980 (42-57 years old) – Generation X

               B:  Born 1946-1964 (58-76 years old) – Baby Boomers

Notable Investment Trends and Differences

Sifting through the stats (Q1 2020 – Q2 2022) and comparing self-directed investors with professionally managed accounts, self-directed, as a whole, did comparatively little selling at the lows of the stock market during the pandemic-inspired sell-off (early 2020). Instead, the peak in selling (the low for the hold rate) for self-directed accounts came at the height of meme stock and market run-up in Q1 2021. Over the period, including when selling was at its peak, managed accounts consistently were more active, changing and adding to positions at a much higher rate. Self-directed portfolios were more likely to enter a position, hold it and at times add to current positions.

Late 2022 Comparisons

During the last quarter of 2022, the most popular stocks held by all generations remained the same while the companies positioned in the remainder of the account holdings were in flux and altered quite a bit. The top stocks held were Tesla (TSLA), Apple Inc. (AAPL),, Inc. (AMZN) and Microsoft Corp (MSFT); these were core holdings that were barely traded by any generational grouping.

Below these holdings, each generation had different sets of significant shifts, with real estate investment trusts growing for all four generational groups. Industrials and Energy Sectors were also favored across generations, while holdings in service-related industries were reduced. The two strongest performing sectors in Q4, across the generational rankings, were industrials and energy.

Across all generational holdings, industrials were led by General Electric (GE), Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT), Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX), Boeing Co (BA), and Delta Air Lines, Inc. (DAL), while energy stocks were led by namely Chevron Corporation (CVX) and Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM), and followed closely by BP plc (BP), Energy Transfer LP Unit (ET), and Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD).

The tickers that dropped the most on the APEX top 100 list included Rivian (RIVN), which dipped an average of 27.8 spots across all generations, followed by AMC, which slipped 11.8 spots lower. For Gen Z, millennials and Gen X they also reduced holdings in TTD , DKNG and RBLX which dropped between 18 to 27 positions lower in the top 100 holdings.

Greatest Rank Changes by Generation

Tesla (TSLA) which had been in the number one position for Gen X and Gen Z, dropped to number two last quarter as Apple (AAPL) regained popularity. TSLA spent nine consecutive quarters in the top spot, all for Gen Z, TSLA had a four-quarter streak. At number two, TSLA is still a popular stock, especially with Millennials and Gen Z, they chose to hold at the highest rates, even as the price plummeted.

For self-directed investors of all ages, the TSLA hold rate is significantly higher (93%) than for investors who use managed brokerage services (84%).

Throughout the fourth quarter of 2022, retail investors displayed a risk-managed approach to trading and strategic investing as they measured recession risks and a changed monetary policy. Millennials were the most active traders in the fourth quarter, the numbers indicate they were engaged and paid attention as market conditions evolved.  

Take Away

There are two big takeaways from the study, the first is that retail investors are gaining power and have become savvier and in tune with smart investing.

The second takeaway is related to the first. Since the start of 2020, combined assets for all generations have risen 16% to $52.4 trillion. Two age groupings, millennials and Gen Z, are gaining wealth at a much higher 25% pace. The massive shift in market power is unfolding and has major implications for how, when, and why investments are transacted.

Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek
