Silver Still has a Place on the Winners’ Podium
(Note: companies that could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the story (desktop version). This article uses third-party references to provide a bullish, bearish and balanced point of view; sources listed in the “Balanced” section)
While gold often is top of mind for precious metals investors, silver is unique in that it is sought for its properties as a store of value or haven during uncertain times and for its many industrial applications, including solar panels. In 2018, physical demand amounted to 1,033.5 million ounces and key sources included industrial fabrication (56%), jewelry (20.6%), coins and bars (17.5%), and silverware (5.9%). By way of comparison, physical gold demand for jewelry and investment and from central banks accounted for 51.0%, 26.5% and 14.9%, with the remainder used for electronics, dentistry, and other industrial applications. For investors looking for a precious metal alternative to gold, what are the pros and cons of diversifying an investment portfolio with silver?