Are Fossil Fuels Going the Way of the Dinosaurs?
(Note: companies that could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the story (desktop version). This article uses third-party references to provide a bullish, bearish and balanced point of view; sources listed in the “Balanced” section)
There has been an exponential rise in the U.S. in renewable energy for electricity needs. Currently, 33% of
that is being generated in the US comes from carbon-free sources (nuclear and renewables). This percent has quadrupled since 2005, smashing projections made just a few years ago. Renewables are now responsible for generating as much electricity as coal, oil, or natural gas. Renewable energy sources are likely to continue to increase at a fast pace for the foreseeable future. Over half of all new energy plants being built are either wind or solar. But, will this growth trajectory continue without government support, and just how much electricity can renewables produce?