Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Mark Reichman, Managing Director, Equity Research Analyst, Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.
Shareholder meeting. Maple Gold shareholders overwhelmingly approved all proposed resolutions at the annual general meeting on September 9. This included minority shareholder approval of the restructuring transaction between Maple and Agnico Eagle Mines Limited. The company expects to close the restructuring transaction within days and expects to announce plans for a fully financed Fall/Winter drilling program shortly. For more information about the restructuring agreement, please refer to our research note dated June 25th.
Control of the property package. Upon closure of the restructuring agreement, Maple gains 100% control of an established gold mineral resource of over three million ounces at Douay, a past-producing high-grade gold mining complex at Joutel, and a fertile yet underexplored 400 square kilometer land package straddling one of the three major regional deformation zones in the Abitibi greenstone belt. Maple will pursue a clear path to advance the Douay and Joutel projects without near-term dilution risk at the project level.
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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).
*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.