FDA Program May Help Investors Uncover Breakthrough Medical Technology

The FDA Breakthrough Devices Program may be a starting point for investors exploring the medical space. It’s designed to create a quicker path for medical devices that provide more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversible conditions. There are significant benefits for the companies granted access to the program. Lists of devices after the companies have been granted a marketing authorization are available on the FDA website.

While new pharmaceuticals tend to grab headlines quicker than devices, investors looking for public companies, that may be uncorrelated to the pace of US economic growth or the financial markets, may visit the website and then research the companies on Channelchek.

Image Credit: US Food and Drug Administration (Flickr)

Benefits of the Breakthrough Devices Program

The purpose of the Breakthrough Devices Program is to provide patients and health care providers with timely access to novel medical devices by speeding up their development, assessment, and review. At the same time, it preserves the statutory standards for premarket approval, 510(k) clearance, and De Novo marketing authorization, consistent with the Agency’s mission to protect and promote public health.

Manufacturers have the opportunity to interact with the FDA’s experts through several different program options to efficiently address issues that present themselves during the FDA premarket review phase. This feedback from the FDA helps shorten the agreement phase. The company can also expect a prioritized review of its submission. This can have the effect of speeding the product to market with less cost and fewer problems.

How this Works

Pulling an example from the Channelchek library of videos from NobleCon18, we can use Perimeter Medical Imaging AI (PYNKF) to understand what a candidate looks like and how it may bring value to the patient, medical provider, and possibly investors.

Perimeter is an early-stage medical device company that expects its flagship product to address unmet cancer treatment needs. Initially, the device is expected to change the way breast cancer is treated and evaluated to improve outcomes and minimize the chance of recurrence or having to reoperate. In order to apply for the FDA designation, Perimeter’s device was indicated for breast cancer. However, the applications are expected to extend well beyond and into other major cancers in the $3.7 billion total market.

This FDA designation makes for a much more clear regulatory pathway. Perimeter meets the first guideline in that its product has unique technology (breakthrough) that is solving problems with a different method on a scalable platform. The procedures are expected to reduce the cost to patients, minimize the need for repeat surgery and be self-funding from the hospitals’ standpoint. This is because about 20 to 25% of cancer patients now need to return for a re-operation that costs approximately $16,000. Hospitals that adopt the Perimeter AI technology could serve patients better and stand to recover their costs while reducing overall patient costs on average.


There are many ways to uncover companies that are “on the move.” Reviewing those the FDA is likely to help along toward a full “go-ahead” is just one of them. For a more detailed look at Perimeter, their unique business model,  and technology, watch the 20-minute video below. For more on understanding the FDA Breakthrough Device Program in order to uncover companies that could change medicine, go to FDA.gov .

To evaluate small and growing companies, explore Channelchek beginning here.

Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek

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