Roadshows Help Investors Truly Understand a Company’s Prospects
Around the office, we debate whether Roadshow should be one word or two. We’ll never all agree, but we do all know that an investor that strives to be diligent in understanding companies in which they may invest, would likely benefit from attending an available management roadshow.
If you aren’t familiar, a roadshow is usually a series of meetings in various locations where the management of a company with either outstanding securities or undergoing an initial public offering (IPO), makes themselves available to investors in a presentation format. Each meeting’s presentation will typically include its business model, current performance, and future potential, along with competitive advantage. When an event like this is available with a company an investor would consider, there may be no better supplement to the investor’s other research than to sit with management and be able to hear from the person at the helm what their expectations are, and the biggest risk to those expectations.
Roadshows are typically organized by a financial firm that has a relationship with the company. In an IPO, this may be the firm bringing them public; for a debt issue, it may be the underwriter. For issuers already public with current outstanding securities, the introducing firm may have a relationship with the company where they are looking to bring more awareness to the opportunity.
Roadshow Events
Potential investors ask to be invited to attend a roadshow, then gather and listen to the management presentations and participate in the question/answer period. This could occur in a private room at restaurant, over cocktails, in a company office, or basically any other forum where a clear picture of the company can be conveyed and the attendees can get the information they need to understand the opportunity.
As the purpose is to get in front of and increase investor awareness, these presentations are most often held in cities that help allow maximum motivated investor participation. Technology has ushered in an increase in roadshows that are now held virtually. This allows for a broader audience in faraway locations. Smaller investors that have never been to a roadshow should not be shy in asking for a determination if they meet the expected investor level, to attend. Often times companies actually prefer to be broadly traded by many small investors than to have a few large shareholders.
Channelchek’s Involvement
The ongoing mission of Channelchek is to provide actionable ideas and quality equity research to investors in small and microcap companies. Along with Noble Capital Markets, we hold ongoing Meet the Management investor meetings with companies with interesting stories and prospects. These roadshows are often in person and at times online. To see if a company you may be interested in will be meeting in your town, click here for the current list of Channelchek/Noble Capital Markets roadshows.
Managing Editor, Channelchek