Impact of Physical Nearness on Twitter Posts

Image Credit: Liz Henry (Flickr)

New York City or Los Angeles? Where You Live Says a Lot About What and When You Tweet


The Big Apple versus The Big Orange. The City of Dreams versus The City of Angels. I’m referring, of course, to the ongoing rivalry between New York City and Los Angeles. Hilarious “survey” videos and talk shows will give you one picture of the cities. My colleagues and I decided to take a more serious look at the differences between the cities, so we studied what everyone else was talking about – on Twitter.

We set out to answer a simple research question: Are people who are located near each other likely to tweet about similar things? To do so, we analyzed millions of GPS-enabled tweets across New York City and LA. This type of study – looking at huge amounts of social media traffic by location – is useful for more than tracking pop culture memes in different cities. It could be valuable for understanding many aspects of urban life, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If we were considering the case of a single, small community that takes pride in local events, celebrities, and culture, the answer to our research question would be a resounding “yes.” One challenge in comparing two large, international cities is the reality that globalization has led to unprecedented interaction among multiple cultures and peoples, along with Starbucks and McDonald’s seemingly in every city on the planet.

For cities that are international but also take pride in their uniqueness, the key is teasing out the extent to which local qualities or global culture dominate tweeting behavior. We designed our methods to be precise enough to account for the fact that, contrary to the fun videos, New York City and LA are quite similar. Both have high housing costs, famous educational institutions, hospitals, museums and other cultural establishments, and residents who tend to vote Democratic.


Define ‘Close’ and ‘Same’

Our study tackled two problems: There’s no simple definition of “close together,” and it’s difficult to say whether two tweets are about the same topic. We combined several definitions of “close together,” ranging from people located in the same city to the distance in miles between their coordinates, using a common formula from spatial sciences.

It’s more difficult to determine whether two tweets are talking about similar things. Looking for common hashtags might suffice, but unfortunately many people do not use hashtags or use different hashtags when talking about the same thing. To overcome this problem, we used state-of-the-art natural language processing technology. Algorithms developed in this field read and interpret sentences in a manner similar to the way humans do, and they are able to deal with nuance.

We used this technology to group tweets into clusters of topics. We then studied whether tweets falling inside the same cluster were also from people who were close together based on their GPS-enabled tweets. This allowed us to determine, for example, that clusters containing art-related words and phrases tended to arise more often in New York than LA.


Health and Wealth Versus Art and Representing

Even before we looked at who tweets about what, we found tweeting across New York City to be more evenly spread, while in LA, more tweeting happens in wealthier areas, including Calabasas – home to Kim Kardashian – Palos Verdes, West Hollywood and the coastal areas.

We also found that New Yorkers referred to themselves and their city far more often than Angelenos did. On a per capita basis, New Yorkers like to talk about art, while Angelenos like to talk about health care and hospitality.

LA generates more tweets than New York throughout the day, despite having a smaller population, but from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. local time, the two have comparable numbers of tweets. Tweeting in New York City rises sharply from 8 p.m. to a peak at 9 p.m., whereas tweeting in LA rises steadily from 2 p.m. to a peak at 7 p.m.



Computational Social Science



Our methods are a case study in the growing field of computational social science, which aims to find insights in unique, often large, data sets using artificial intelligence models and algorithms. In contrast, traditional social science tends to rely on surveys and polls to quantify public perception about an issue. Though surveys have some distinct statistical advantages, they can be expensive and time-consuming to use for collecting quality data with good response rates.

For example, Gallup releases new survey data every few months and currently charges US$30,000 for academic licenses. Decades ago, researchers found that monetary incentives increase response rates significantly. Even today, online surveys are often accompanied by lottery-based promises of receiving an Amazon gift card. Researchers are working on combining the benefits of traditional and computational social science.

Zooming into our data, we uncovered some fascinating trends that we hope future research will explore. We found, for example, that on a per capita basis, as crime increases, so do tweets, at least at the level of ZIP codes. Why do high-crime areas tweet more? We don’t know yet, but the trend is consistent across both New York City and LA.


Tweeting, Place and COVID-19

Studying tweeting behavior by location could also be useful for understanding disparate outcomes of large-scale events. For example, our twitter analysis could help shed light on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people in different places.

New York City was hit hard by COVID-19 early on, showing that even major cities were affected in different ways by this terrible pandemic. New reporting is now showing that even within cities, socioeconomically disadvantaged communities were disproportionately burdened.

Recently, we released a Twitter data set covering 10 of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States to further study such disparities using computational social science. We are already using our methods across all of these cities to better understand how COVID-19 has affected certain groups, and the levels of expressed vaccine hesitancy among these groups.

Eventually, we hope to use our methods with a large set of international metropolises to study urban behavior.


This article was republished with permission from The Conversation, a news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.  It was written by and represents the research-based opinions and findings of Mayank Kejriwal Research Assistant Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Southern California.


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Supermoon Red Blood Lunar Eclipse Its all Happening Tonight – Here is what it Means

image credit: Tomruen/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA

Supermoon! Red Blood Lunar Eclipse! It’s all Happening Tonight – Here is what it Means


The first lunar eclipse of 2021 is going to happen during the early hours of May 26. But this is going to be an especially super lunar event, as it will be a supermoon, a lunar eclipse and a red blood moon all at once. So what does this all mean?

The Moon appears 12% bigger when it is closest to Earth compared with its appearance when it’s farthest away


What’s a super moon?

A supermoon occurs when a full or new moon coincides with the Moon’s closest approach to the Earth.

The Moon’s orbit is not a perfect circle as it slowly rotates around Earth. Rfassbind/WikimediaCommons

The Moon’s orbit around Earth is not perfectly circular. This means the Moon’s distance from Earth varies as it goes around the planet. The closest point in the orbit, called the perigee, is roughly 28,000 miles closer to Earth than the farthest point of the orbit. A full moon that happens near the perigee is called a supermoon.

So why is it super? The relatively close proximity of the Moon makes it seem a little bit bigger and brighter than usual, though the difference between a supermoon and a normal moon is usually hard to notice unless you’re looking at two pictures side by side.

The phases of the Moon correspond to how much of the lit–up side you can see from Earth. Orion 8/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA


How does a lunar eclipse work?

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow covers all or part of the Moon. This can only happen during a full moon, so first, it helps to understand what makes a full moon.

Like the Earth, half of the Moon is illuminated by the sun at any one time. A full moon happens when the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth. This allows you see the entire lit-up side, which looks like a round disc in the night sky.

If the Moon had a totally flat orbit, every full moon would be a lunar eclipse. But the Moon’s orbit is tilted by about 5 degrees relative to Earth’s orbit. So, most of the time a full moon ends up a little above or below the shadow cast by the Earth.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through Earth’s shadow. Sagredo/WikimediaCommons

But twice in each lunar orbit, the Moon is on the same horizontal plane as both the Earth and Sun. If this corresponds to a full moon, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon will form a straight line and the Moon will pass through the Earth’s shadow. This results in a total lunar eclipse.

To see a lunar eclipse, you need to be on the night side of the Earth while the Moon passes through the shadow. The best place to see the eclipse on May 26, 2021, will be the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Australia, the East Coast of Asia and the West Coast of the Americas. It will be visible on the eastern half of the U.S., but only the very earliest stages before the Moon sets.

The Earth’s atmosphere gives the Moon a blood-red glow during total lunar eclipses. Irvin Calicut/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA


Why does the moon look red?

When the Moon is completely covered by Earth’s shadow it will darken, but doesn’t go completely black. Instead, it takes on a red color, which is why total lunar eclipses are sometimes called red or blood moons.

Sunlight contains all colors of visible light. The particles of gas that make up Earth’s atmosphere are more likely to scatter blue wavelengths of light while redder wavelengths pass through. This is called Rayleigh scattering, and it’s why the sky is blue and sunrises and sunsets are often red.

In the case of a lunar eclipse, red light can pass through the Earth’s atmosphere and is refracted – or bent – toward the Moon, while blue light is filtered out. This leaves the moon with a pale reddish hue during an eclipse.

Hopefully you will be able to go see this super lunar eclipse. When you do, now you will know exactly what makes for such a special sight.


This article was republished with permission from The
, a news
site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.  Written by
Shannon Schmoll Director, Abrams Planetarium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University



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Supermoon! Red Blood Lunar Eclipse! It’s all Happening Tonight – Here is what it Means

image credit: Tomruen/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA

Supermoon! Red Blood Lunar Eclipse! It’s all Happening Tonight – Here is what it Means


The first lunar eclipse of 2021 is going to happen during the early hours of May 26. But this is going to be an especially super lunar event, as it will be a supermoon, a lunar eclipse and a red blood moon all at once. So what does this all mean?

The Moon appears 12% bigger when it is closest to Earth compared with its appearance when it’s farthest away


What’s a super moon?

A supermoon occurs when a full or new moon coincides with the Moon’s closest approach to the Earth.

The Moon’s orbit is not a perfect circle as it slowly rotates around Earth. Rfassbind/WikimediaCommons

The Moon’s orbit around Earth is not perfectly circular. This means the Moon’s distance from Earth varies as it goes around the planet. The closest point in the orbit, called the perigee, is roughly 28,000 miles closer to Earth than the farthest point of the orbit. A full moon that happens near the perigee is called a supermoon.

So why is it super? The relatively close proximity of the Moon makes it seem a little bit bigger and brighter than usual, though the difference between a supermoon and a normal moon is usually hard to notice unless you’re looking at two pictures side by side.

The phases of the Moon correspond to how much of the lit–up side you can see from Earth. Orion 8/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA


How does a lunar eclipse work?

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow covers all or part of the Moon. This can only happen during a full moon, so first, it helps to understand what makes a full moon.

Like the Earth, half of the Moon is illuminated by the sun at any one time. A full moon happens when the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth. This allows you see the entire lit-up side, which looks like a round disc in the night sky.

If the Moon had a totally flat orbit, every full moon would be a lunar eclipse. But the Moon’s orbit is tilted by about 5 degrees relative to Earth’s orbit. So, most of the time a full moon ends up a little above or below the shadow cast by the Earth.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through Earth’s shadow. Sagredo/WikimediaCommons

But twice in each lunar orbit, the Moon is on the same horizontal plane as both the Earth and Sun. If this corresponds to a full moon, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon will form a straight line and the Moon will pass through the Earth’s shadow. This results in a total lunar eclipse.

To see a lunar eclipse, you need to be on the night side of the Earth while the Moon passes through the shadow. The best place to see the eclipse on May 26, 2021, will be the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Australia, the East Coast of Asia and the West Coast of the Americas. It will be visible on the eastern half of the U.S., but only the very earliest stages before the Moon sets.

The Earth’s atmosphere gives the Moon a blood-red glow during total lunar eclipses. Irvin Calicut/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA


Why does the moon look red?

When the Moon is completely covered by Earth’s shadow it will darken, but doesn’t go completely black. Instead, it takes on a red color, which is why total lunar eclipses are sometimes called red or blood moons.

Sunlight contains all colors of visible light. The particles of gas that make up Earth’s atmosphere are more likely to scatter blue wavelengths of light while redder wavelengths pass through. This is called Rayleigh scattering, and it’s why the sky is blue and sunrises and sunsets are often red.

In the case of a lunar eclipse, red light can pass through the Earth’s atmosphere and is refracted – or bent – toward the Moon, while blue light is filtered out. This leaves the moon with a pale reddish hue during an eclipse.

Hopefully you will be able to go see this super lunar eclipse. When you do, now you will know exactly what makes for such a special sight.


This article was republished with permission from The
, a news
site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.  Written by
Shannon Schmoll Director, Abrams Planetarium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University



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Genco Shipping (GNK) NobleCon17 Presentation Replay

Genco Shipping (GNK) CEO John Wobensmith and CFO Apostolos Zafolias at NobleCon17 – Noble Capital Markets 17th Annual Small & Microcap Investor Conference – January 2021. Following the formal presentation, Noble Capital Markets Senior Research Analyst Poe Fratt joins John and Apostolos to moderate a Q&A session.

NobleCon 17 Complete Rebroadcast

Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) NobleCon17 Presentation Replay

Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) CEO Gary Vogel and CFO Frank De Costanzo at NobleCon17 – Noble Capital Markets 17th Annual Small & Microcap Investor Conference – January 2021. Following the formal presentation, Noble Capital Markets Senior Research Analyst Poe Fratt joins Gary and Frank to moderate a Q&A session.

NobleCon 17 Complete Rebroadcast

Noble Capital Markets 2020 Investor Conference – a Huge Success

High Marks Across the Board Given to NobleCon16

If the success of an investment conference is measured by effective use of time, key participants, organization, and significant opportunities to perhaps act upon, then NobleCon16 (Noble Capital Markets, 16th small and microcap investor conference) was a tremendous  success. This was the first ever event of this magnitude at the new Hard Rock, Guitar Hotel, in South Florida.  They also received high marks as they served the host and attendees flawlessly.  The pace of smart money dicovering brilliant ideas was never interrupted over the two days.

From early morning, every half hour, company presentations were held in each of four meeting rooms during the two full days. Interested investors visited these meeting rooms to collect knowledge and understanding of the companies presenting, and to have their questions answered.  As the audience inquiries often went a bit beyond the allotted time, the presenters would continue to engage the companies in the massive halls of the conference facility. During the presentations, two other massive salons were buzzing with tables where investors met with companies in a personal one-on-one setting.  These meetings ran non-stop through Monday and Tuesday as well.

In addition to the investor/company meetings and presentations, NobleCon16 featured two “in-the-know” keynote speakers invited to share their thoughts on topics pertinent to everyone interested in business today. Jeb Bush lead off on Monday, Presidents Day, with his take on the current political climate and sharing his hope of “civility” coming back to national politics.  On Tuesday, Ari Fleischer treated a packed ballroom to his stories as White House Press Secretary, and how the news media has changed since then.  Both addresses concluded with standing ovations. The audience was left with insights they may not have received from anyplace other than NobleCon.

There was some play-time to be had as well. Conference attendees had the Hard Rock’s Daer Night Club all to themselves. One conference presenter, recording-artist Eric Pasley, took the stage and treated everyone at this private event to a few songs. The next morning Pasley took a much different stage beside some of the world’s top scientists demonstrating that they are getting close to a functional cure for diabetes.  

While the  Noble Capital Markets investor conference has come to a close, the coming days and months will find many attendees back at their offices and homes analyzing a bit deeper and making decisions on opportunities presented. For those that were fortunate enough to attend or even those who were not, the presentations from the event can be found on Channelchek in the lower-left corner of your screen.

Valentine’s Day by the Numbers

The Business of Valentine’s Day – Insight from a Consumer Gift Success Story

(Note: companies that
could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the
story [desktop version]. This article uses third-party references to provide a
bullish, bearish, and balanced point of view; sources are listed after the
Balanced section.)

While the gift-giving season may be in full bloom between Thanksgiving and Christmas, gifts of the blooming variety are most often given on Mother’s Day and Valentines’. In the category of flower purchases, historically, more orders are taken for Mother’s Day, but people spend more per order on Valentines. 

According to information from 1 Inc., Valentine’s Day represents 10% of its revenue from consumer floral during the year. In total last year, they had annual flower sales of approximately $500 million, so roughly $50 million in floral transactions are expected to occur during each second week in February.  This represents a third of revenue from their floral sales during the quarter. The majority of revenue for the quarter falls in the category of “everyday occasions.”

Using trends from prior years, the median gift-giver will be spending, on average, $196. This amount is for the full gamit of possible gifts. Greeting cards are staples for almost all consumers. Additionally, an evening out, candy, and jewelry are popular Valentine’s gifts and activities. It’s expected that 20% of celebrants will be giving jewelry to their Valentine on the 14th.   

The gender make-up of customers ordering is 80% male and 20% female. This year, the romantic holiday falls on a Friday which boosts holiday sales — more people participate. However, there is then a higher percentage who opt to go to dinner or out on the town rather than give a physical gift. Restaurants do better on years where Valentine’s is part of a weekend.

This Valentine’s Day, anticipates it will sell 18.5 million flowers, 11 million (60%) are expected to be roses.  A little more than 65% of orders will be sent from mobile phones. The closer to V-day, the more likely the order will be made (last minute) through a handheld device. Although this mobile 65% is a majority of orders, it represents only about 45% of revenue. Both of these numbers have been on a positive trend over the years.

Recently there has been a change to where purchasers ask for flowers to be delivered. Flowers are now more often sent to the office where the recipient works. This is best when the holiday falls on a workday, it allows the gift to be appreciated by even more people.

What’s New?

Spending across the board for Valentine’s Day 2020 is expected to be $27 billion. This would be a 32% increase over 2019. The average order will be higher than in the past as people are more willing to spend in a booming economic environment. would seem to be a confusing name for an online business. Or,  a name where one would not think to buy food, stuffed animals, holiday decorations, or other gifts. The reason for this seeming disconnect is their evolution. Management has, since 1976, aggressively stayed ahead of trends and technology by implementing those that could help their business. One decade this may have meant embracing an “800-number” another may have meant embracing “dot-com” commerce. They made these transitions without letting go of the brand that had been built up to that point.

Product improvement and exclusivity is part of staying ahead. This can be seen today with their trademarked “Magnificent Roses.” These are preserved roses that arrive and are presented in one of many unique options. A long-lasting gift is a high-priced option that is relatively new.  The preserved roses have been gaining in popularity, and despite the cost, are expected to be a top seller for the online retailer this year.  They also take many orders for food baskets and other edibles. Orders for chocolate-covered strawberries are most brisk during both Valentine’s and Mother’s Day. 

A strong economy always helps businesses where purchases are primarily discretionary. This year Jewelry stores, restaurants, perfume manufacturers, chocolatiers, and florists are expecting a lot of “love” from their customers.



1-800 Inc. Second Quarter Discover Report via

How became one of the biggest, clunkiest names in Valentine’s Day

Suggested Reading:  Thirty-Something
Homeownership has Declined, Have Millennials Given Up?

Ari Fleischer to Present at NobleCon16 Investor Conference

Ari Fleischer to Present at NobleCon16 Investor Conference

(Note: companies that
could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the
story [desktop version]. This article uses third-party references to provide a
bullish, bearish, and balanced point of view; sources are listed after the
Balanced section.)

Investors and investment professionals converge each year on South Florida to attend the largest small-cap and micro-cap investment conference of its kind. This year, attendees may feel a bit like they’ve gone back in time and have found themselves at a press briefing in George W. Bush’s White House.

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer will address the audience at Noblecon16 which is expected to include more than 800 investors along with 125 corporate executives. The executives are there to share their company’s stories, history and outlook. The investors, investment advisors, and family office managers come back year after year to uncover opportunities that are relatively undiscovered. This year’s NobleCon is the sixteenth annual small and microcap investor conference hosted by Noble Capital Markets. It’s also the first large scale conference to be held at the one-of-a-kind Hard Rock Guitar Hotel in Fort Lauderdale.

While serving alongside President Bush, Fleischer learned the gravity of the issues and decisions that impact our lives. His expertise and insight will shed new light for the NobleCon audience on the events playing out today in business and many aspects of our lives. He’ll be sharing his first-hand knowledge of the Bush administration and  their White House initiatives to stimulate growth in the small business sector. In Fleischer’s words, “Small business is the fuel of the American economy. I applaud Noble for their efforts to support small & micro-cap companies through NobleCon and I’m proud to be part of this important event.”

The Ari Fleischer address is the first of many important announcements Noble will be making over the next few weeks. Additional “in-the-know” presenters and the details of six different panel presentations with topics such as; Oncology, Inflammasomes Immunotherapy Agents, Type 1 Diabetes, Precious Metals Exploration, Cannabis, and International Transportation & Logistics are expected.

Should you attend

If you’re a Channelchek user, you already have an interest in discovering more about the types of companies that will be represented at NobleCon16.  NobleCon conferences experience 70% repeat attendance by investors who want to build on their understanding of opportunities and perhaps meet privately with company management to best understand potential.  If you’re a money manager, family office, investment advisor, independent broker, self-directed investor, or equity analyst, you are likely to learn of companies, products, and breakthroughs you could easily miss in a world where larger household name companies get the majority of the spotlight. Some of tomorrow’s household names are companies that benefit from more light being shed on them today. That’s what NobleCon and ChannelChek are about, shedding more light on small and microcap opportunities, unearthing actionable ideas.

Ari Fleischer to Address Investors & Emerging Growth Companies at NobleCon16 Investor Conference

Ari Fleischer to Present at NobleCon16 Investor Conference

(Note: companies that
could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the
story [desktop version]. This article uses third-party references to provide a
bullish, bearish, and balanced point of view; sources are listed after the
Balanced section.)

Investors and investment professionals converge each year on South Florida to attend the largest small-cap and micro-cap investment conference of its kind. This year, attendees may feel a bit like they’ve gone back in time and have found themselves at a press briefing in George W. Bush’s White House.

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer will address the audience at Noblecon16 which is expected to include more than 800 investors along with 125 corporate executives. The executives are there to share their company’s stories, history and outlook. The investors, investment advisors, and family office managers come back year after year to uncover opportunities that are relatively undiscovered. This year’s NobleCon is the sixteenth annual small and microcap investor conference hosted by Noble Capital Markets. It’s also the first large scale conference to be held at the one-of-a-kind Hard Rock Guitar Hotel in Fort Lauderdale.

While serving alongside President Bush, Fleischer learned the gravity of the issues and decisions that impact our lives. His expertise and insight will shed new light for the NobleCon audience on the events playing out today in business and many aspects of our lives. He’ll be sharing his first-hand knowledge of the Bush administration and  their White House initiatives to stimulate growth in the small business sector. In Fleischer’s words, “Small business is the fuel of the American economy. I applaud Noble for their efforts to support small & micro-cap companies through NobleCon and I’m proud to be part of this important event.”

The Ari Fleischer address is the first of many important announcements Noble will be making over the next few weeks. Additional “in-the-know” presenters and the details of six different panel presentations with topics such as; Oncology, Inflammasomes Immunotherapy Agents, Type 1 Diabetes, Precious Metals Exploration, Cannabis, and International Transportation & Logistics are expected.

Should you attend

If you’re a Channelchek user, you already have an interest in discovering more about the types of companies that will be represented at NobleCon16.  NobleCon conferences experience 70% repeat attendance by investors who want to build on their understanding of opportunities and perhaps meet privately with company management to best understand potential.  If you’re a money manager, family office, investment advisor, independent broker, self-directed investor, or equity analyst, you are likely to learn of companies, products, and breakthroughs you could easily miss in a world where larger household name companies get the majority of the spotlight. Some of tomorrow’s household names are companies that benefit from more light being shed on them today. That’s what NobleCon and ChannelChek are about, shedding more light on small and microcap opportunities, unearthing actionable ideas.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

As the holiday season reaches its peak, and this year records its last day, the Channelchek Team offers you our warmest thanks and appreciation for all your trust in our equity research throughout 2019.

The axiom, “It is better to give than to receive”  takes on special meaning for those of us here who joyfully give our expertise, time, and experience to provide investors with a “best-of-its-kind” research platform. 

Receiving has its benefits as well. At Channelchek we’re very grateful for what our users confer on us. You give us a vote of confidence as you login, looking for ideas, equity analysis, original articles, and tools to discover value.

We feel very fortunate.

May your holidays find you all in a special place, and may 2020 offer you peace and many channels to ongoing prosperity.

Be well.

The “Pilgrims” of Today

The “Pilgrims” of

(Note: companies that
could be impacted by the content of this article are listed at the base of the
story [desktop version]. This article uses third-party references to provide a
bullish, bearish, and balanced point of view; sources are listed after the
Balanced section.)

This week, across the U.S., families and friends, young and old, will gather to celebrate the “most American” of holidays, Thanksgiving. The gatherings will most surely include traditional foods of the holiday while families enjoy their own tradition of sharing and gratitude. Thoughts may also drift to almost 400 years ago when in 1621 a determined group of 102 Pilgrims persevered to achieve a mission they believed in – an accomplishment that has had a positive impact for centuries. They met challenges from the very beginning during their two-month-long voyage on the Mayflower, and they struggled as the first Winter took the lives of half the population of settlers. These resolute individuals share many of the same characteristics as today’s newer business owners who are making sacrifices in their own lives, for a better tomorrow for themselves and their descendants. has four definitions for the word “entrepreneur,” the first reads: “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.” It’s not a stretch to call the original settlers of Plymouth Massachusetts entrepreneurs.   Their grit, ingenuity, initiative, and even willingness to learn and rely on others more experienced in their environment, was certainly entrepreneurial.

The Mayflower colonists did not go by the moniker “Pilgrims,” that tag came 200 years after their landing at Plymouth Rock. Instead they referred to themselves as the “Saints”  to indicate their purity and feelings of being special or chosen. This feeling must have been a strong driver as they risked so much in a way that is extreme by any standard in modern America.

Today’s Pilgrims

The risk-takers today, at least those looking to sacrifice more than others for the dream of a better tomorrow, whether for themselves and their families, or for the world at large, are the business entrepreneurs. Especially in fields that are “uncharted territory.” Some examples are companies relying on developing technology, scientific breakthroughs, or mineral exploration. As with most “firsts” there are always unknowns, long lead times before any profit, and a shortage of capital. These are among reasons building a business today, particularly in a groundbreaking field with unproven outcome, is a path taken by very few. Those that do, and then survive and thrive, have embraced being nimble, building alliances, persistence, belief in themselves, and asking for help when needed. 

“All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.” 
William Bradford, Second Governor, Plymouth Colony



The Pilgrims initially went to Holland where they expected to be welcomed by people of different religions.  Their main reason for having left England was to worship without constraints. The Pilgrims made their home at first in Holland, but the more secular life they found there was not going to lead to a future that matched their vision. They wanted to build their own colony where they would attract others who believed as they did – even if it meant starting with close to nothing.  As entrepreneurs, they didn’t accept an undesirable outcome; they pivoted, changed their plans and redirected their effort, deciding to establish themselves and their future near Virginia’s Hudson River. While traveling, storms pushed them into Massachusetts where they decided to rethink their plan once again. They then revised their plan and decided to find an area close to where they landed that would be suitable for farming.

To begin the two-month trip across the Atlantic, the Pilgrims borrowed money that, at the time, was an astronomical amount. The loan from, English capitalists looking to profit off the venture, was for 1700 pounds. At the time, the average Englishman earned a tenth of a pound per day. As colonists they first worked collectively to pay back this loan. They later divided acreage to work individually at farming their own land.


After the first brutal Winter, the Pilgrims, who raised money in a business arrangement to finance their journey, again opened themselves up to being helped. This time by native Americans. They learned how to best plant corn, where to fish, how to trap beaver and other furs.  This helped lead the pilgrims to an abundance just one year later and a profit their second year. Their debt was fully paid off in 23 years.

There are now over 10 million living Americans who are descendants of the Mayflower passengers. The undeniable traits of the entrepreneurs we now call Pilgrims have impacted the world. Entrepreneurs of today share the same traits and skills of those that came before; intention toward a dream, plan, persevere, adjust, negotiate, orchestrate help, and implement. The impact of entrepreneurs continues to shape the world and continue to have a positive impact on the future with their efforts.

Giving Thanks

Ideas have the ability to change the world. Those ideas  that improve lives and positively impact the world are on the list of things we can  be thankful for.



Author: Paul S. Hoffman

Noble Capital Markets Supports Bahamas Relief Fund Through its NobleCon Investor Conference

Noble Capital Markets Supports Bahamas Relief Fund Through its NobleCon Investor Conference

BOCA RATON, Fla., Sept. 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NetworkWire — Noble Capital Markets announced today that it will donate $500 to the Official Hurricane Dorian Relief Effort for every company that registers for its sixteenth annual NobleCon small & microcap investor conference from today through October 31, 2019. Furthermore, additional donations of $100 will be made for each investor registration.

NobleCon16 will be held at the new flagship Hard Rock Hotel & Casino located just west of the Fort Lauderdale International Airport, February 16-18, 2020. The Noble Capital Markets Conference will feature 125 public company executive teams selected from the more than 6,000 small & microcap companies listed on, and will be presenting to the investment community comprised of institutions, investment advisors, independent brokers, self-directed investors, family offices and high-net-worth individuals.

Noble Capital Markets’ head office is located in eastern Boca Raton, Florida, and was once in the direct path of Hurricane Dorian until the storm shifted to the north.

“Because of where we are located, we are acutely aware of the power and devastating impact of a Cat-5 hurricane,” said Mark Pinvidic, Noble Capital Markets’ Managing Partner. “Even so, it’s unimaginable what has happened to the people of these beautiful islands and what it’s going to take to rebuild.”

The early estimate is that Dorian could cost the Bahamas $7 billion in insured and uninsured losses, some two and a half times the cost of the damage the storm caused in the United States.

“This is the sixteenth year of NobleCon, so we’ve got enough history to know we’ll easily reach our maximum number of presenting companies. We’re encouraging companies and investors that are considering registration to do so now, allowing us to further support the relief efforts immediately and to help fill the urgent need of supplies for the Bahamian people,” added Pinvidic.

The conference runs four presentation tracks simultaneously in half-hour intervals for two days, allowing for a maximum of 125 companies presenting. The balance of the schedule is made up of one-on-one meetings with investors, industry panel presentations, keynote addresses and large-scale networking events. Total attendance of 800 is expected.

Channelchek, a new investment community dedicated exclusively to small & microcap companies and their industries, is tailored to fit the needs of self-directed investors and financial professionals. Launched by Noble Capital Markets parent company in November 2018, Channelchek is the first service to offer institutional-quality research to the public for FREE at every level without a subscription. More than 6,000 small & microcap companies (market caps <$1billion) are listed on the website, with growing content including advanced market data, webcasts, podcasts and balanced news. Channelchek is the small & microcap dataplace.

For more information, visit

About Noble Capital Markets
Celebrating its thirty-fifth year in business, Noble Capital Markets is a S.E.C. registered and FINRA licensed broker/dealer, dedicated exclusively to serving underfollowed small & microcap companies, through investment banking, market making and equity research activities. Key sectors include technology, media, transportation & logistics and natural resources.

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To Donate to the Bahamas Relief Fund:

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