Hyperinflation, Can Investors Protect Themselves?
Inflation in Argentina so far in 2023 is running at 126.4%. Meanwhile, its GDP has declined by 3.1%. This certainly meets the definition of hyperinflation. Can this situation occur in the U.S. economy? Hyperinflation is when prices of goods and services in the economy run up rapidly; at the same time, it causes the value of the nation’s currency to fall rapidly. It’s a devastating phenomenon that has serious consequences for businesses, investors, and households. Below we explore the causes of hyperinflation, its effects on the economy, and some ways to protect investable assets against it.
Causes of Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation can be caused by a variety of factors, but one ingredient that is most common is excessive money printing by the country’s central bank. When a central bank allows excessive cash in circulation, especially if it is during a period of low or negative growth, natural economic forces that occur when there is an abundance of currency chasing the same or fewer goods, serves to drive up prices and down currency values. This inflation can quickly spiral out of control, leading to hyperinflation. Other causes could include shortages of goods or services driving prices up as demand outstrips available supply.
Effects on the Economy
Excessive inflation is not good for anyone that holds the impacted currency. Businesses can command higher prices, but they will also be paying higher prices to run their business and receiving payment with notes with far less purchasing power. This is because hyperinflation increases costs for labor and raw materials, weighing down profit margins. Less obvious, but certainly adding to the hardship, is that businesses may have trouble securing financing and loans during hyperinflation; this can limit their ability to function or grow.
For households and individuals, hyperinflation also rapidly decreases purchasing power, as prices for goods and services jump up. This lowers living standards in the country as people are forced to pay more for the same goods and services. Additionally, hyperinflation can lead to a loss of confidence in the currency. Behavior including the belief that items should be purchased now because they will be more expensive tomorrow leads to hoarding and other actions that create shortages and drives up prices even further.

How Some Prepare for Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation is rare, yet, once the wheels start turning, such as they did in Venezuela in 2016, or Germany in 1923, it is important for businesses and individuals to take steps to prepare for the possibility. Here are ways that people have prepared for excessive inflation in their native currency.
Diversify Your Investments: While some believe it is always prudent to stay widely diversified, it may offer even more protection when the economy goes through the turmoil of excessive inflation. Preparing in this way means spreading your investments across a variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This will help by avoiding any one particular asset class that gets hit hard. Keep in mind, stocks are often a good hedge against moderate inflation, and precious metals have historically been looked to for protection in times of extreme inflation. Earnings of companies that export are not expected to suffer as much as importers.
Hold Some Assets Denominated in Other Currencies: This can include established digital currencies, foreign stocks, bonds, that are not denominated in your own home currency. By holding assets denominated in other currencies, you can protect yourself from its devaluation versus others.
Invest in Hard Assets: Hard assets, such as gold and silver, land, and even tools can be a good way to protect yourself or your business from hyperinflation. These assets have intrinsic value and can retain their value even if the currency they are denominated in loses value. Remember that if inflation remains, it is likely to cost more in the coming months for the same piece of office equipment that helps your business run more efficiently.
Cryptocurrencies: Keeping within the guidelines of diversification, more established tokens such as bitcoin and ether are considered by some to help protect from hyperinflation. A word of caution, cryptocurrencies have little history against currency devaluation and inflation. The theory however is these digital currencies are decentralized and not subject to the same inflationary pressures as fiat currencies.
Take Away
In 2018 inflation in Venezuela exceeded 1,000,000%, proving, when the recipe for higher prices is in place, the unimaginable can happen.
While there is no consumer or investor that can proactively impact a rising price freight train, if hyperinflation is expected, there are steps one can take to reduce the negative impacts. These financial steps can be as simple as buying things today that you expect to need later, and more substantially diversifying your portfolio toward hard assets, companies that export to countries not experiencing inflation, and even bonds with either short maturities or an inflation factor as part of the return.
Managing Editor, Channelchek