Thursday, November 30, 2023
Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Equity Research Analyst, Digital, Media & Technology , Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Patrick McCann, CFA, Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.
Initiating coverage with an Outperform rating and $4 price target. AdTheorent is a privacy-forward, programmatic advertising company that uses cutting edge, machine-learning technology to deliver targeted ad campaigns. We believe the company has meaningful technology advantage over many of its peers, which may rely on user IDs and third-party cookies, explained in this report. Our favorable rating is based on our positive cash flow growth outlook for the company.
Ahead of the curve. Through its proprietary machine learning technology, the company’s demand-side platform (DSP) uses anonymized data points to create predictive algorithms to target digital audiences. Given Google’s indication that it will be phasing out the use of third-party cookies, AdTheorent’s ML technology could be a significant competitive advantage in the digital advertising industry going forward.
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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).
*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.