Aurania Resources (AUIAF)(ARU:CA) – Tiria-Shimpia Silver-Gold Target in the Crosshairs

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Aurania Resources (AUIAF)(ARU:CA)
Tiria-Shimpia Silver-Gold Target in the Crosshairs

As of April 24, 2020, Noble Capital Markets research on Aurania Resources is published under ticker symbols (AUIAF and ARU:CA). The price target is in USD and based on ticker symbol AUIAF. Research reports dated prior to April 24, 2020 may not follow these guidelines and could account for a variance in the price target.

Aurania Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based junior mining exploration company engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition, and exploration of mineral property interests, with a focus on precious metals and copper. Its flagship asset, The Lost Cities-Cutucu Project, is in southeastern Ecuador in the Province of Morona-Santiago. The company also has several minor projects in Switzerland.

Mark Reichman, Senior Research Analyst of Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Initial drill sites. Initial drill sites have been selected to test high-grade silver zones at the Tiria-Shimpia epithermal silver-gold target. Recall that Tiria-Shimpia is a target area that encompasses over 75 square kilometers. Exploration work along a 15-kilometer trend and geological mapping suggest the mineralization is not a vein system but is following fault zones and sedimentary layers of the host rock across trend for up to 3 kilometers.

    Promising indicators.  Outcrops in two streams that are 1.5 kilometers apart in the northwestern portion of the target area contain high-grade silver, including 356 grams of silver per tonne with 12.7% zinc and 199 grams of silver per tonne with 22% zinc. Drill sites have been selected to test these high-grade zones at depth. Drilling will help determine whether the two outcrops are connected at …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Lineage Cell Therapeutics (LCTX) – Transformation on Track, Reiterating Outperform Rating

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Lineage Cell Therapeutics (LCTX)
Transformation on Track, Reiterating Outperform Rating

Lineage Cell Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel cell therapies for unmet medical needs. Lineage’s programs are based on its robust proprietary cell-based therapy platform and associated in-house development and manufacturing capabilities. With this platform Lineage develops and manufactures specialized, terminally differentiated human cells from its pluripotent and progenitor cell starting materials. These differentiated cells are developed to either replace or support cells that are dysfunctional or absent due to degenerative disease or traumatic injury or administered as a means of helping the body mount an effective immune response to cancer. Lineage’s clinical programs are in markets with billion dollar opportunities and include three allogeneic (“off-the-shelf”) product candidates: (i) OpRegen®, a retinal pigment epithelium transplant therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the developed world; (ii) OPC1, an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of acute spinal cord injuries; and (iii) VAC, an allogeneic dendritic cell therapy platform for immuno-oncology and infectious disease, currently in clinical development for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. For more information, please visit or follow the Company on Twitter @LineageCell.

Ahu Demir, Ph. D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    License agreement on OPC1 delivery system to treat spinal cord injury. Lineage entered into an exclusive license agreement with Neurgain Technologies, a private company focused on the treatment of spinal cord trauma-induced neuropathic pain. Lineage made immaterial upfront payments and is obligated to pay milestone payments; the terms of the deal were not disclosed. Lineage and Neurgain will evaluate Neurgain’s novel Parenchymal Delivery Injection (PDI) system for the administration of cells to the spinal cord without stopping the patient’s respiration that is expected to reduce the complexity, risk, and variability of the procedure. PDI system is expected to be ready to use for OPC1 clinical studies by YE 2021.

    Progress on OPC1 program.  Lineage made significant progress in the manufacturing of OPC1 including a 10-20x increase in production scale, reduced impurities, and ready to inject formulation. The company is having discussions with the FDA to determine the path forward for this program …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Can Oil Prices Keep Climbing?


Why Oil is Moving and Why It Could Go Higher


Brent Oil prices crossed $60 per barrel for the first time since January 2020. The surge began in early November when positive vaccine test results gave the market hope that oil demand would soon return to pre-pandemic levels. But instead of returning to last March’s oil price level in the mid-fifties, a funny thing happened. Oil prices shot through pre-pandemic levels and all the way to $60. What’s more, oil prices seem poised to rise above $60 and reach levels not seen since 2018.

Why are they Increasing?

So why do energy prices continue to rise? In a nutshell … there is a lack of supply response to higher prices. Producers across the world are not increasing drilling yet. Worldwide, active rigs have fallen to a level half that of a year ago. The chart below shows the correlation between rig count and oil prices. Note that oil price rose in the last two months of last year, rig count did not. This trend has continued in 2021 with oil prices rising to $60 per barrel, but the world rig count stuck at 1183 as of the end of January. The last time Brent oil prices were at $60 in January of 2020, there were 2265 active rigs.



In total, world active rigs are 43% below January 2020 levels. The declines have been the sharpest in the United States (down 53%) and Africa (down 55%). Other regions such as Asia (down 27%), Europe (down 29%), and Canada (down 33%) have seen smaller declines. The Middle East, once again establishing its position as a price setter, reports a 42% year-over-year decline in active rigs, very much in line with the world’s average.



OPEC’s Hand in the Situation

An analysis of rig declines by region seems to suggest that OPEC’s overall strategy is working. Recall that OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, flooded the market with oil in the spring allowing oil prices to fall sharply. West Texas Intermediate oil prices even dropped below zero temporarily as traders were caught with excess oil and no room to put the oil in storage. OPEC’s intent was manyfold. First, it wanted to punish Russia for not going along with production cuts and remind them of the potential impact on nonconformance. Second, it wanted to counter the rise in U.S. production coming from increased shale production. Technological advances have made U.S. shale production profitable at prices in the forties leading to the U.S. becoming a net exporter of oil. When oil prices fell last year, U.S. producers responded by cutting back drilling, as evidenced by the chart above.

Will Trend Continue

So why aren’t U.S. oil producers responding to higher oil prices by increasing drilling? Most likely, producers have been snake bitten by last year and wary of raising production only to be forced to halt production or shut-in production if oil prices fall. A second explanation may be that producers are first focusing on well completions from last year before ramping up drilling. If that is the case, we would expect to see drilling begin to rise as the inventory of well completions dries up.




Whatever the reason for the current low rig count, the implication for oil prices is positive. There has not been a supply response to higher prices, and oil inventories are falling. The chart above shows that crude oil inventories rose sharply last March but have been falling in recent months. Inventories are now approaching pre-pandemic levels. Unless producers accelerate drilling, inventories may continue to fall as the global economy expands. The result could be that oil prices continue to rise even as we have crossed $60 per barrel.



Suggested Reading:

Will the US Continue to Subsidize Renewable Energy?

Industry Report – Energy Q4

What Should the Price Range be for Oil and Natural Gas

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Release – Golden Predator Mining (NTGSF)(GPY:CA) – Reports Final Drill Results from Brewery Creek Mine

Golden Predator Reports Final Drill Results from Brewery Creek Mine


Significant gold mineralization in all drill holes reaching target depth

Vancouver, BC, February 9, 2021: Golden Predator Mining Corp. (TSX.V:GPY, OTCQX:NTGSF) (the “Company”) today announces the results from the final 16 of 32 reverse circulation drill holes from the 2020 work program at its licensed 100%-owned Brewery Creek mine project ?located approximately 55 km by road from Dawson City, Yukon.

Drill program highlights include:

  • 19.81 m of 1.57 g/t gold from a depth of 85.34 m in drill hole RC20-2694;
  • 21.34 m of 1.31 g/t gold from a depth of 123.44 m in drill hole RC20-2702;
  • 21.34 m of 1.09 g/t gold from a depth of 80.77 m in drill hole RC20-2705;
  • 9.14 m of 1.41 g/t gold from a depth of 45.72 m in drill hole RC20-2706; and
  • 12.19 m of 0.55 g/t gold from a depth of 6.10 m and 16.76 m of 0.58 g/t gold from a depth of 62.48 in drill hole RC20-2708.

To view Brewery Creek project and drill location maps:

2020 Brewery Creek Exploration Program – Golden Infill Drilling

A total of 32 reverse circulation drill holes, totaling 3,706 m, were completed between the Golden and Lucky resource areas in the fall of 2020. The 2020 program was designed to infill within and around two fences of 2019 drilling that encountered mineralization along a 400 m gap where there had been no previous drilling between the Golden and Lucky resource areas. The objective was to establish sufficient drill density in this 400 m gap to be able to incorporate the Lucky resource into the greater Keg pit shell.

The gold assays for the remaining 16 drill holes of the program are reported in this release with significant thicknesses of gold mineralization present in 14 of the 16 of the drill holes. The two drill holes not intersecting mineralization were not completed to target depth. The collars of 8 of the drill holes are located outside of the current Golden resource area and the other 8 are located on the southwestern margin of the current Golden resource area.

Other significant mineralized intervals include 7.62 m of 2.68 g/t gold from a depth of 102.11 m in drill hole RC20-2700 and multiple intercepts in drill hole RC20-2707 including 9.14 m of 0.58 g/t gold from a depth of 42.67 m and 13.72 m of 0.57 g/t gold from a depth of 70.10 m.

Gold mineralization is controlled by fractures oriented sub-parallel to the main thrust fault and a series of high angle conjugate fractures developed within main shear zone. Composite mineralized intercepts thicknesses range from 6.10 m to 45.72 m with an average composite mineralized thickness of 26.05 m in the 11 drill holes that had full intersections across the mineralized zone. Mineralization encountered in these 16 holes consists of sulfide, transitional and lesser amounts of oxide material. Within the area of this drilling the eastern strike extension of the mineralized zone is not yet defined, and the zone remains open at depth down dip.

2020 Brewery Creek Exploration Program – Classic/Lone Star

Three reverse circulation drill holes, totaling 687 m, were completed in 2020 targeting newly defined extensions of the Classic/Lone Star porphyry-style mineralization. The drill holes were widely-spaced step-out holes drilled at significant distances from any existing drilling at the Classic and Lone Star areas. Two of the drill holes (RC20-2710 and RC20-2711) were located approximately 500 m from each other and 650 m southeast of the closest previous drilling within the Classic and Lone Star areas. No significant gold was intersected in either drill hole. The third drill hole (RC20-2712), located approximately 1,330 m to the east of the nearest previous drilling, tested a coincident aeromagnetic and radiometric anomaly indicating a structural zone along the margin of a biotite monzonite intrusive within an area of spotty gold and arsenic in soil geochemistry. This initial test was encouraging with gold intersected in two intervals of monzonite with 0.33 g/t gold over 1.52 m at a depth of 120.40 m and 0.27 g/t gold over 1.52 m at a depth of 131.06 within a 15.29 m zone of anomalous mineralization. Mineralization within the zone consists of pyrite with local arsenopyrite associated with chlorite and calcite alteration minerals.

Continuing exploration will develop extensions to the Classic and Lone Star area mineralization, a near surface bulk tonnage target that lies approximately 3 km south of the Brewery Creek Reserve Trend. Together with the Lone Star zone, the Classic zone demonstrates the discovery potential of the entire southern portion of the large Brewery Creek property where a large syenite intrusion hosts gold mineralization primarily in sheeted quartz/carbonate/pyrite veins and as fine-grained disseminations. Initial column leach tests have indicated that this intrusive hosted mineralization is leachable to at least a 200 m depth. This mineralization is clearly a separate younger mineralizing event not associated with the quartz monzonite, thrust fault hosted, mineralization historically exploited in the Reserve Trend which is the subject of the ongoing bankable feasibility study.

To view a complete table of results:

2020 Exploration Drill Program

The 2020 Brewery Creek drill program built upon Golden Predator’s successful 2019 program that established continuity of mineralization within the licensed Reserve Trend between the eastern edge of the Canadian-Fosters-Kokanee-Golden pits (Keg pitshell) east to the Lucky pit. The 32 reverse circulation drill holes drilled in 2020 were designed to fill in and expand the gold resource between the eastern Golden zone and western Lucky zone. The targeted mineralization between these zones has been offset by a high-angle normal fault and was previously untested until 2019 when the zone was intersected with multiple drill holes.

Infill drilling within this 400 m gap between the eastern edge of the Fosters to Golden trend and the western edge of the Lucky zone is also to increase the density of drilling to convert Inferred resources to Indicated resources and confirm continuity of mineralization between the two deposits while testing for additional resources. The goal is to establish and confirm continuous mineralization along the Fosters-Canadian-Kokanee-Golden-Lucky zones for mine design now in progress as a part of the Brewery Creek Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS).

Brewery Creek Mine: Resources1

Materials on the heap leach pad were not included in the resource update. Mineral Resources estimates conducted within a pit shell developed at $2,000/oz gold with an internal cut-off grade calculated at $1,500/oz gold was used to report mineral resource inventories.

The resource estimate is based on a recovery model created from assay data, bottle and column leach test work and historic recovery analysis instead of a less accurate visual oxide-sulfide boundary developed from geologist drill logs. Sedimentary and intrusive rocks, which have distinct metallurgical characteristics, were estimated separately based on gold-grade distribution analysis. A supporting NI 43-101 Technical Report is filed on SEDAR at

Brewery Creek Mine Work Plan

The Brewery Creek Mine is a licensed brownfields heap leach gold mine that was operated by Viceroy Minerals Corporation from 1996 to 2002. Brewery Creek is authorized to restart mining activities as defined within the Quartz Mining License and Water License. The Company intends to resume mining and processing of licensed deposits when supported by an independent study that outlines technical and economic viability. The 180 km2 property is located 55 km east of Dawson City and is accessible year-round by paved and improved gravel roads. Significant infrastructure remains in place, allowing for a timely restart schedule under existing operating licenses.

A Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) is being conducted by Kappes Cassiday & Associates of Reno, Nevada which will include a multi-year mine plan for the advancement of the Brewery Creek project. The BFS will include an inventory of the mineralized material remaining on the heap and mine planning (completed by Tetra Tech Inc of Golden, Colorado) for the resumption of the mining of material from leachable resources contained within the licensed area and reported in the Company’s Mineral Resource Estimate. The BFS will include all the key parameters involved in reconstructing or adding necessary infrastructure including a crushing facility, the Adsorption-Desorption-Recovery (“ADR”) plant and assay lab and an implementation schedule, sourcing, and economic cash flow model sufficiently detailed to move directly into procurement, development and construction if economically warranted. Any production decisions would be dependent on the outcome of a study demonstrating positive technical and economic viability.

Sampling Methodology, Quality Control and Assurance

Analyses for drill samples were performed by SGS Canada, Inc., ALS Canada and Bureau Veritas, Canada with sample preparation in Whitehorse, YT and assaying in Burnaby, North Vancouver and Vancouver, BC respectively. Drill samples were analyzed for gold using a 30 gram fire assay with atomic absorption finish (SGS-GO FAA30V10 method, ALS-Au AA-25 method and BV-FA430 method). Quality controls standards include standard reference material, certified blank and field duplicate samples in every sample dispatch.

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Jeff Cary, CPG, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and a consultant to the Company.

About Golden Predator Mining Corp.

Golden Predator is advancing the past-producing Brewery Creek Mine towards a timely resumption of mining activities, under its Quartz Mining and Water Licenses, in Canada’s Yukon. With established resources grading over 1.0 g/t gold the Company is completing a Bankable Feasibility Study for the restart of heap leach operations. The Brewery Creek Mine project operates with a Socio Economic Accord with the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation.

For additional information on Golden Predator Mining Corp.:
Janet Lee-Sheriff
Chief Executive Officer

(604) 260-8435

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. This press release contains forward-looking information that involve various risks and uncertainties regarding future events. Such forward-looking information can include without limitation statements based on current expectations that the Brewery Creek will advance to an early production decision, or the extent of any additional mineral resource that could result from incorporating 2019 exploration drilling. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. These and all subsequent written and oral forward-looking information are based on estimates and opinions of management on the dates they are made and are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions change.

1. The 2020 Mineral Resource Estimate was conducted in accordance with CIM guidelines and is reported in a NI 43-101 Technical Report which will be filed on SEDAR and the Company’s website within 45 days.

Source: Golden Predator Mining

Release – Chakana (CHKKF)(PERU:CA) – Intersects Highest Grade Interval To Date At Huancarama Soledad Project Peru


Chakana Copper Intersects Highest Grade Interval To Date 11m of 2.79 g/t Au, 4.04% Cu, and 330.8 g/t Ag (13.30 g/t Au-Eq) At Huancarama, Soledad Project, Peru


Within 93m of 1.63 g/t Au, 0.95% Cu, and 129.2 g/t Ag (4.77 g/t Au-Eq) from 117m

Vancouver, B.C., February 9, 2021 – Chakana Copper Corp. (Tsx-V: Peru; Otcqb: Chkkf; Fra: 1zx) (The “Company” Or “Chakana”), Is Pleased To Release Results For Two Additional Drill Holes With The Highest-Grade Intercepts Reported To Date From The Huancarama Breccia Complex, Within The Soledad Project In Ancash, Peru (Fig. 1). These Holes Complement The Initial Ten Holes Previously Published (See News Releases Dated January 12, 2021, And January 25, 202). Twenty-Two Hq Diamond Core Holes Have Been Completed Thus Far With Continued Success Expanding The Mineralized Breccia At Huancarama.

Mineralized intervals from two additional holes at Huancarama include:

* Cu_eq and Au_eq values were calculated using copper, gold, and silver. Metal prices utilized for the calculations are Cu – US$2.90/lb, Au – US$1,300/oz, and Ag – US$17/oz. No adjustments were made for recovery as the project is an early stage exploration project and metallurgical data to allow for estimation of recoveries are not yet available. The formulas utilized to calculate equivalent values are Cu-eq (%) = Cu% + (Au g/t * 0.6556) + (Ag g/t * 0.00857) and Au-eq (g/t) = Au g/t + (Cu% * 1.5296) + (Ag g/t * 0.01307).

Utilizing the same platform on the south side of the breccia complex that holes SDH20-161 and SDH20-162 were drilled from, holes SDH20-163 and SDH20-164 were oriented east-northeast across the breccia body outlined by the first 10 drill holes (Figures 2 and 3). Both holes intersected continuous mineralization across the breccia body. Hole SDH20-163 was oriented beneath the north edge of the outcropping H1 breccia and intersected 88.05m with 0.28 g/t Au, 0.32% Cu, and 30.2 g/t Ag (1.17 g/t Au-eq) starting at 61m. Hole SDH20-164, drilled beneath the southeast edge of the collapse zone, encountered 93m with 1.63 g/t Au, 0.95% Cu, and 129.2 g/t Ag (4.77 g/t Au-eq) from 117m depth, including 42m with 2.90 g/t Au, 1.41% Cu, and 182.3 g/t Ag (7.44 g/t Au-eq) from 124m. Examples of mineralized drill core from these holes are shown in Figure 4.

David Kelley, President and CEO commented, “these two holes demonstrate the successful continuation of the drilling at Huancarama, further defining a large mineralized breccia pipe. The H1 and H2 breccias exposed at surface coalesce at depth, forming a large coherent breccia pipe. We continue to see excellent grades, particularly in the central part of the breccia body below the collapse zone. Hole SDH20-164 exhibits spectacular mineralization with 11m of 2.79 g/t Au, 4.04% Cu, and 330.8 g/t Ag; and 4m of 2.61 g/t Au, 5.44% Cu, and 926.2 g/t Ag, within two separate intervals. The high-grade zones reported in previous drill holes correlate well with those reported in this hole and are open at depth. Drilling is ongoing at Huancarama and we look forward to reporting additional results soon.”

Huancarama Target Area and the Phase 3b Drill Program

The Huancarama Breccia Complex is located 300m south of and 400m above the deepest breccia intercept at Paloma. Within the complex there are five principal breccia bodies exposed at surface over approximately 200m horizontally (Fig. 5). There is a distinctive feature believed to be a collapse zone with dimensions of 50m by 30m. Unverified reports suggest that this may be due to small-scale mining. Two historic adits are in the complex, one trending north-northeast for 170m along the western side of H1 (Fig. 2), and a second shorter adit of 21m at H2. Surface sampling from the breccia bodies and channel sampling of the adits yielded strongly anomalous gold results (see news release dated November 19, 2019). In addition to several targets within the complex, numerous additional targets exist in the Huancarama and Paloma area.

Results reported here are part of the ongoing Phase 3b drill program, which is fully funded from the Company’s current treasury and is anticipated to see 15,000 metres completed. Phase 3b is testing a cluster of high-grade, gold-enriched tourmaline breccia pipe targets within the Paloma and Huancarama target areas. Thirty-two holes have now been reported from the Phase 3b program.

About Chakana Copper

Chakana Copper Corp is a Canadian-based minerals exploration company that is currently advancing the high-grade gold-copper-silver Soledad Project located in the Ancash region of Peru, a highly favorable mining jurisdiction with supportive communities. The Soledad Project consists of high-grade gold-copper-silver mineralization hosted in tourmaline breccia pipes. A total of 33,353 metres of drilling has been completed to-date, testing nine (9) of twenty-three (23) confirmed breccia pipes with more than 92 total targets. Chakana’s investors are uniquely positioned as the Soledad Project provides exposure to several metals including copper, gold, and silver. For more information on the Soledad project, please visit the website a

Sampling and Analytical Procedures

Chakana follows rigorous sampling and analytical protocols that meet or exceed industry standards. Core samples are stored in a secured area until transport in batches to the ALS facility in Callao, Lima, Peru. Sample batches include certified reference materials, blank, and duplicate samples that are then processed under the control of ALS. All samples are analyzed using the ME-MS41 (ICP technique that provides a comprehensive multi-element overview of the rock geochemistry), while gold is analyzed by AA24 and GRA22 when values exceed 10 g/t by AA24. Over limit silver, copper, lead and zinc are analyzed using the OG-46 procedure. Soil samples are analyzed by 4-acid (ME-MS61) and for gold by Fire Assay on a 30g sample (Au-ICP21).

Results of previous drilling and additional information concerning the Project, including a technical report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, are made available on Chakana’s SEDAR profile at

Qualified Person

David Kelley, an officer and a director of Chakana, and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

(signed) “David Kelley”
David Kelley
President and CEO

For further information contact:
Joanne Jobin, Investor Relations Officer
Phone: 647 964 0292

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-looking Statement Advisory: This release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Chakana to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward looking statements. Forward looking statements or information relates to, among other things, the interpretation of the nature of the mineralization at the Soledad copper-gold-silver project (the “Project”), the potential to expand the mineralization, and to develop and grow a resource within the Project, the planning for further exploration work, the ability to de-risk the potential exploration targets, and our belief in the potential for mineralization within unexplored parts of the Project. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and beliefs but given the uncertainties, assumptions and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward- looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any obligation to update, or to publicly announce, any such statements, events or developments except as required by law.

Figure 1 – View looking north showing breccia pipes and occurrences within the northern Soledad cluster. Pipes that have been drilled in previous campaigns are shown in red. Targets shown in green are the focus on this 15,000m drill campaign. Other pipes and occurrences remain to be tested by drilling. Additional breccia pipes occur on the south half of the property and are not shown here.

Figure 2 – Map of the Huancarama Breccia Complex and drill hole lithology in holes completed to date. Red represents tourmaline breccia based on the first ten holes and lithology mapped in the underground tunnel. Black dotted outlines show surface expression of mapped breccias; white dashed line shows collapse zone. Location of section line for Figure 3 indicated.

Figure 3 – Section looking northwest highlighting the drill holes at Huancarama reported in this release. Light red 3D shape shows preliminary shape of breccia based on the first ten holes and lithology mapped in the underground tunnel.

Figure 4 – Core photos from Huancarama: SDH20-163 (83.3m) mosaic tourmaline breccia with partial clast replacement by chalcopyrite; SDH20- 163 (117.85m) tourmaline breccia with chalcopyrite and red sphalerite open space filling ; SDH20-164 (123.2 to 131.12m) – example of high-grade copper sulfide (chalcopyrite) clast replacement and sulfide-cemented breccia. Core diameter is 6.35cm (HQ) in all instances.

Figure 5 – Drone image looking northeast at the Huancarama Breccia Complex showing the five principal tourmaline breccia bodies exposed at surface (H1-H5), historic adit portal, and drill platforms. Note drill rig in center of image.

SOURCE: Chakana Copper

Newrange Gold (NRGOF)(NRG:CA) – Making Significant Progress on Two Fronts

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Newrange Gold (NRGOF)(NRG:CA)
Making Significant Progress on Two Fronts

As of April 24, 2020, Noble Capital Markets research on Newrange Gold is published under ticker symbols (NRGOF and NRG:CA). The price target is in USD and based on ticker symbol NRGOF. Research reports dated prior to April 24, 2020 may not follow these guidelines and could account for a variance in the price target.

Newrange Gold Corp is an exploration stage company focused on acquiring and exploring exploration and evaluation assets in Colombia and the United States. The Company operates in a single reportable operating segment-the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties. Some of the projects acquired by the company are Pamlico gold project in Nevada and Rocky mountain project in Colorado. The company also holds an interest in the Yarumalito property, El Dovio property and Anori property in Colombia.

Mark Reichman, Senior Research Analyst of Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Geophysical survey of the North Birch project. An induced polarization (IP) survey, which is expected to commence within 10 to 14 days, will help detect areas of sulphide enrichment and generate targets for diamond drilling at the company’s North Birch project in Ontario, Canada. The primary target is part of a folded iron formation. The 8-kilometer target horizon, which has never been drilled, extends 2 kilometers along strike into the high-grade Argosy Gold Mine which closed in 1952. There are multiple showings in the rocks to the south of the main target horizon. Management expects drilling could begin as early as April following identification of drill targets based on the survey results and receipt of drilling permits.

    H Lake option exercised.  Newrange recently exercised its option to acquire a 100% interest in the H Lake Property, which forms the western portion of North Birch. The H Lake property encompasses 1,550 hectares, or 3,830 acres, and covers a portion of the same folded iron formation as the Western Fold property. Together, the two properties encompass 3,850 hectares, or 9,514 acres, and cover the …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Release – Lineage Cell Therapeutics (LCTX) – Enters Into Exclusive Agreement With Neurgain Technologies To Evaluate Novel Delivery System For OPC1


Lineage Enters Into Exclusive Agreement With Neurgain Technologies To Evaluate Novel Delivery System For OPC1 To Treat Spinal Cord Injury


Use of the Neurgain PDI system could support later-stage trials of OPC1 in cervical injury patients
OPC1 Investor & Analyst Day planned for February 22, 2021

CARLSBAD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Feb. 8, 2021– Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (NYSE American and TASE: LCTX), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing allogeneic cell therapies for unmet medical needs, today announced that it has entered into an exclusive option and license agreement with Neurgain Technologies, Inc. (“Neurgain”), a medical device company that is commercializing technology developed by neurosurgeons at the University of California San Diego (“UC San Diego”). Under the terms of the agreement, Lineage and Neurgain will collaborate on the clinical testing of Neurgain’s novel Parenchymal Delivery Injection (“PDI”) system, which is designed to allow for the administration of cells to the spinal cord without stopping the patient’s respiration. Elimination of the need to stop respiration during surgery is expected to reduce the complexity, risk, and variability of administering cells to the area of injury. Lineage also will be hosting an OPC1 Investor and Analyst Day on February 22, 2021 to provide details on recent OPC1 milestones and plans for 2021.

Lineage will evaluate the Neurgain PDI system’s ability to safely and effectively deliver OPC1, Lineage’s allogeneic oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) transplant, to the spinal cord in both preclinical and clinical studies beginning this year. If results from the PDI system are positive, then Lineage may exercise its option to enter into a pre-negotiated license and commercialization agreement with Neurgain. Pursuant to that agreement, Lineage may integrate the PDI system into a later-stage clinical trial and if approved, commercial use of OPC1 for the treatment of patients with a cervical spinal cord injury. There currently are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) approved treatments for spinal cord injury.

Brian M. Culley, Lineage CEO stated, “Several months ago, we announced we had significantly improved the process for manufacturing OPC1, leading to large increases in purity and scale. More recently, we successfully developed a new ‘thaw-and-inject’ formulation, eliminating the commercially undesirable steps of handling and preparing cells one day prior to their use. Today, we are announcing another valuable improvement to the OPC1 program: access to a novel and convenient delivery system, which reduces a significant technical hurdle of conducting a larger-scale clinical trial. The Neurgain PDI offers an easier, potentially safer, and commercially more attractive option to treat SCI patients and is preferable to the complicated gantry utilized in an earlier study. It also will allow us to incorporate our new ‘thaw-and-inject’ formulation of OPC1, thereby enabling faster patient enrollment via access to a larger number of clinical trial sites. Most importantly, the PDI can eliminate the need for a patient’s respirator to be turned off during the procedure, facilitating a measured and targeted transplantation of cells to the affected area.”

“We look forward to collaborating with Lineage on their novel OPC1 program and demonstrating the value that Neurgain’s PDI system can provide for the effective delivery of cell therapies in general and for the treatment of spinal cord injury in particular,” stated Michael Krupp, Neurgain CEO.

Brian Culley added, “Similar to our alliance with Gyroscope Therapeutics for the Orbit Subretinal Delivery System, this new partnership with Neurgain delivers on our stated commitment to identifying and deploying optimal combinations of allogeneic cell therapies, modern manufacturing techniques, and superior delivery solutions in pursuit of our goal of becoming the pre-eminent allogeneic cell transplant company.”

The Neurgain PDI System has been designed to provide specific, on-target delivery of cells with accurate dosing. The PDI system is more compact than existing devices and it is attached directly to the patient during the procedure. It is comprised of a platform and manipulator with a disposable magnetic needle assembly. This novel delivery system is expected to provide a significant improvement in usability and precision when compared to the methods and tools utilized to deliver OPC1 cells in the completed phase 1/2a SCiStar study of OPC1 for the treatment of acute cervical SCI.

About Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury (SCI) occurs when the spinal cord is subjected to a severe crush or contusion and frequently results in severe functional impairment, including limb paralysis, aberrant pain signaling, and loss of bladder control and other body functions. There are approximately 18,000 new spinal cord injuries annually in the U.S. There are no FDA-approved drugs specifically for the treatment of SCI. The cost of a lifetime of care for a severe spinal cord injury can be as high as $5 million.

About OPC1

OPC1 is an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) transplant therapy designed to provide clinically meaningful improvements in motor recovery in individuals with acute spinal cord injuries (SCI). OPCs are naturally occurring precursors to the cells which provide electrical insulation for nerve axons in the form of a myelin sheath. The OPC1 program has been partially funded by a $14.3 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). OPC1 has received Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and Orphan Drug designation from the FDA.

About the OPC1 Clinical Study

The “SCiStar” Study of OPC1 is an open-label, 25-patient, single-arm trial testing three sequential escalating doses of OPC1 administered 21 to 42 days post-injury in patients with subacute motor complete (AIS-A or AIS-B) cervical (C-4 to C-7) acute spinal cord injuries (SCI). Patient enrollment in this study is complete; 96% of patients reported one level of improved motor function and 33% of patients reported two levels of improved motor function. Patients continue to be evaluated on a long-term basis. Patients enrolled in the study had experienced severe paralysis of the upper and lower limbs. The primary endpoint in the study was safety. Secondary outcome measures included neurological function measured by upper extremity motor scores (UEMS) and motor level on International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) examinations through 365 days post-treatment.

About Neurgain Technologies, Inc.

Neurgain Technologies (NGT) was founded in 2013 to develop technologies focused on the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and neuropathic pain. Neurgain is developing a novel gene therapy technology and delivery devices to treat chronic neuropathic pain and spinal spasticity. 7-8% of the population suffers from Neuropathic Pain. Current therapeutic management is not working: Drugs in use have poor efficacy, and cause undesirable side effects such as resistance, addiction, and other disorders. NGT’s mission is to positively impact this problem by means of our patented innovation to provide a therapy that works and improves the patient’s quality of life. The Company is developing two assets: 1. Spinal subpial gene delivery platform (device), 2. Pre-clinical gene therapy for severe neuropathic pain. NGT plans to license the platform delivery technologies to multiple pharma/biotech which are developing gene or cell therapies in CNS. Neurgain’s business strategy involves the out-licensing of spinal cord delivery technology and clinical development of a gene therapy for neuropathic pain and chronic spasticity. For more information, please visit

About Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

Lineage Cell Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel cell therapies for unmet medical needs. Lineage’s programs are based on its robust proprietary cell-based therapy platform and associated in-house development and manufacturing capabilities. With this platform Lineage develops and manufactures specialized, terminally differentiated human cells from its pluripotent and progenitor cell starting materials. These differentiated cells are developed to either replace or support cells that are dysfunctional or absent due to degenerative disease or traumatic injury or administered as a means of helping the body mount an effective immune response to cancer. Lineage’s clinical programs are in markets with billion dollar opportunities and include three allogeneic (“off-the-shelf”) product candidates: (i) OpRegen®, a retinal pigment epithelium transplant therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the developed world; (ii) OPC1, an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell therapy in Phase 1/2a development for the treatment of acute spinal cord injuries; and (iii) VAC, an allogeneic dendritic cell therapy platform for immuno-oncology and infectious disease, currently in clinical development for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. For more information, please visit or follow the Company on Twitter @LineageCell.

Forward-Looking Statements

Lineage cautions you that all statements, other than statements of historical facts, contained in this press release, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements, in some cases, can be identified by terms such as “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “design,” “intend,” “expect,” “could,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “seek,” “should,” “would,” “contemplate,” project,” “target,” “tend to,” or the negative version of these words and similar expressions. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to Lineage’s expected eligibility for grants. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Lineage’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements in this press release, including risks and uncertainties inherent in Lineage’s business and other risks in Lineage’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC). Lineage’s forward-looking statements are based upon its current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. Further information regarding these and other risks is included under the heading “Risk Factors” in Lineage’s periodic reports with the SEC, including Lineage’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 12, 2020 and its other reports, which are available from the SEC’s website. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they were made. Lineage undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law.

Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. IR
Ioana C. Hone
(442) 287-8963

Solebury Trout IR
Gitanjali Jain Ogawa
(646) 378-2949

Russo Partners – Media Relations
Nic Johnson or David Schull
(212) 845-4242

Source: Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.

Schwazze (SHWZ) – Adds Two More Star Buds Locations Five To Go

Monday, February 08, 2021

Schwazze (SHWZ)
Adds Two More Star Buds Locations; Five To Go

Medicine Man Technologies, Inc. is now operating under its new trade name, Schwazze. Schwazze is executing its strategy to become a leading vertically integrated cannabis holding company with a portfolio consisting of top-tier licensed brands spanning cultivation, extraction, infused-product manufacturing, dispensary operations, consulting, and a nutrient line. Schwazze leadership includes Colorado cannabis leaders with proven expertise in product and business development as well as top-tier executives from Fortune 500 companies. As a leading platform for vertical integration, Schwazze is strengthening the operational efficiency of the cannabis industry in Colorado and beyond, promoting sustainable growth and increased access to capital, while delivering best-quality service and products to the end consumer. The corporate entity continues to be named Medicine Man Technologies, Inc.

Joe Gomes, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Two More Star Buds Locations. Schwazze has completed the acquisition of two more Star Buds locations, leaving five more locations to be acquired, which we continue to expect to occur in the first quarter. The two new locations are in Denver, Colorado’s largest cannabis market. Significantly, Star Buds is just the beginning as Schwazze continues to have aggressive expansion plans in other areas of the state.

    Terms.  Schwazze paid $9.3 million for the two locations, consisting of $3.5 million in cash, $3.5 million in seller’s notes, and $2.3 million of preferred stock. The acquisition was funded by $6.1 million in proceeds from a private placement with Dye Capital and unaffiliated investors. We are particularly pleased to see Schwazze was able to include unaffiliated investors in this round of capital …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Technology Confounds Wall Street Pros, But Never for Long


Young Traders Confounding Wall Street Pros is Cyclical


Before there was WallStreetBets (WSB), before there was Robinhood, and even before Davey Day Trader, there were the SOES Bandits. This was the name given to the mostly 25 to 30-year-olds capitalizing on technology to make a few bucks. Twenty-five years ago the new styled day trader confounded the Wall Street establishment as a rise of individuals trading electronically for the first time took root. There was a perfect storm of ingredients that led to online trading rooms opening around the country offering a seat to anyone with money to trade and the desire to learn. The setup unfolded and the business of individuals trading stocks from office space with high-speed internet (not dial-up) had explosive growth. It was a huge disruptor to Nasdaq market makers among others. The old guard on Wall Street and business news scoffed at the profession, what else could they do, the new styled trader was costing firms money.

Technology Has Always Shifted Market Conditions

The setup in this case included three factors. The Small Order Execution System (SOES) was enhanced after the 1987 market crash to make sure the “little guy” had a better chance of their orders being executed. The internet had just become high speed in office buildings and shopping centers, and tech and dot-com stocks were continuing to rally.

What SOES did for smaller investors is automatically match up small trade orders if the order was at the best bid or offer and next up to be filled. There was no human accepting the order on the market-makers side. The stipulation required for a transaction to be auto-filled is it first had to be entered through the Small Order Entry System. The transaction was required to be for 1000 or fewer shares and the price per share, below $250. Institutions could not use SOES; licensed brokers transacting for themselves were also excluded. The system and the rules were intended to fix the problem that occurred in October 1987 when sell orders were left unfilled for small accounts. Market makers ignored the smaller transactions and worked to fill the larger orders first. This caused many smaller investors to not be able to get out of positions to prevent further losses. The limit as to how many times per day a SOES trader was permitted to place an order on the same ticker is five minutes. This prevented them from executing more than 1000 shares by sending them in quick succession. Once a trader places an order through SOES, they must wait at least five minutes to place another trade on the same stock through SOES. This did not prevent any trader from, on a good day with many setups that fit their plan, to not place hundreds of trades.

The Markets themselves generally run in cycles, and there is evidence in their being cyclicality to disruption of the established players every generation or so. The ingredients are the same, technology leading to better access, access inspiring creative ways to profit, established players flexing their muscle.


1867: Day Trading and the New Ticker Tape

Instances of taking full advantage of technology for Day trading go back 150 years or more. Soon after the telegraph was invented, stock markets used the telegraph’s communication technology to create the first ticker tape. Ticker tape made it easy to communicate information about transactions occurring on the exchange floor with brokers. Before the internet and other global communication platforms were invented, brokers would try to live in close proximity to exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange, as it meant they were getting a steady supply of ticker tape with the most up-to-date information.


Young, informed, computer-savvy individuals working on Wall Street figured out how to take money out of the market using the SOES system and the growing access to high-speed internet connections. These SOES traders, soon dubbed the SOES Bandits quickly became responsible for 13% of the Nasdaq volume. Their main advantage was speed. SOES traders were placing trades electronically and receiving instant executions while their counterparties were using open outcry, in a trading pit.

The small guys had an edge with the technology they were using. These so-called Bandits became vilified by Wall Street, regulators, and the financial media as market destroyers. What they were really doing is preventing some of the profit that they were taking from going to where it would have gone before, the major Wall Street firms. Successful SOES traders were pulling thousands of dollars a day from the market. Although not everyone was successful, there were enough making 8 figure incomes to inspire masses to try the new career. Franchises and chains such as ALL-Tech Investments and Datek Online sprung up and there were rooms filled with casually dressed traders across the country in dimly lit rooms staring at CRT screens and placing trades online. Their presence annoyed the old guard.


An Advertisement for DATEK ONLINE from 1998


Blame, Ridicule, and Reality

SOES trading’s success was the result of how it interacted with fragmented order flow. They were essentially getting between the wall and the wallpaper for as low as a sixteenth or an eighth (decimalization began in 2001). The bandits’ speed advantage is what provided their edge. While market makers were yelling in a trading pit and discussing transactions over the phone, a bandit had the novel ability to get in and out of a stock with the click of a button.

SOES bandits were blamed by Wall Street, the financial media, and regulators for reducing liquidity, widening spreads, and increasing market volatility. The day traders were mostly short-term momentum players that tried to go home with no positions at the close.  They would jump in long as prices were rising and wrestle with the uptick rule when placing a trade to go short while prices were falling. The narrative in the news and expressed anxiety that SOES traders were contributing to ‘unnatural’ market trends that weren’t based on fundamental factors.

Studies since have found the opposite may be true. Instead of increasing market volatility, they concentrated price changes into shorter time periods. Instead of a trend taking an hour to unfold, it might have taken 15 minutes with the SOES traders behind it. Prices adjusted faster, and their activity enhanced market efficiency.

There was also another reason; the stock markets price discovery system is considered to have improved, market makers weren’t trading their own accounts, therefore they weren’t as highly incentivized to produce price discovery in the way an individual, trading their own assets are.




On Jan. 25, 1915, telephone service from coast to coast was opened up to the public for the first time. Imagine the advantage the traders had that originally thought to use this technology to capitalize on the discrepancies between the New York Stock Exchange and the Los Angeles Exchange. An online search did not uncover any groups complaining about anyone in 1915 using the phone to make money trading stocks. The search did not uncover any laws written to prevent the use of the new technology in this way. Instead, what occurred is efficiencies sprang from it and the markets traded tighter.

The SOES system coupled with the technology of high-speed internet availability changed the markets during the 90s allowing many more people to transact directly and at a reduced cost. Markets have since produced more pronounced drops and longer trends. Market participants needed to adapt to this change and others or go out of business. That’s the case with all businesses. The Small Order Execution System methods became less profitable for each trader as competition grew with the swelling ranks of newer Bandits. Market-makers, to their chagrin, tightened up their orders and were more diligent all-around. As computers became more common throughout Wall Street, the Nasdaq removed the SOES system advantage (2000).  

Discovering ways to use technology to pull money from the market is 150+ years old. The most recent incarnation of confounding and upsetting the Wall Street old guard is online communities including Reddit, StockTwits, and the Robinhood traders. With increased intensity, they have been following their own rules and using technology to exploit situations. This is part of the ongoing cycle of change in the business. The subreddit group WallStreetBets (r/wallstreetbets), is doing what has been done before. They are taking improved communication and more robust trading technology, combining the two and trying to place winning trades. Everyone involved, with money on the line, will adapt and soon lower the success rate of the current novel trading methods.

It’s a cycle; technology happens, younger more tech adept then adopt and find their spot, establishment adapts and adjusts to the new activity, the more powerful flex their muscles and again gain the upper hand.

Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek


Suggested Reading:

Emotions, Markets, and Mayhem (Faith in Cycles)

Contango, ETFs, and Alligators

How Good are Experts at Predicting the Market


Father of Day-Trading Sought To Be Investors’ Advocate

Datek Advertisements

Bad Boys of Capitalism

Watch Out Stock Market Here Come the SOES Bandits

The Trading Profits of SOES Bandits

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Seeking Alpha Paywall Causes Frustration


Seeking Alpha Subscribers are Seeking Answers About Their New Paywall Policy


It’s been one month since Seeking Alpha suddenly began charging users to see more than a “certain number” of articles each month. Seeking Alpha’s abrupt policy change at the turn of the year was a surprise to some of the long-time readers of their crowd-sourced articles and discussion boards.

In a post that was made available to their 15.2 million readers on December 31st, Seeking Alpha told their free subscribers about a dramatic change that would take effect four days later. The notification informed that as of January 4th, all non-paid users would have “limited access to in-depth news and analysis.” There’s some confusion over how “limited” to some long-time readers (how many free articles wasn’t defined). More than a month later the announcement has received just 12 likes, and hundreds of insults, humorous jabs, and negative comments. Comments for the original post have been turned off, but commenting sprung up across other forums and is one of the most discussed topics on the investment website.


  Seeking Alpha Note to Subscribers, Full Text Here


Freemium to Paywall

Unlike mainstream news and market research providers such as Barron’s and The Wall Street Journal, the insight gained by Seeking Alpha visitors is provided by contributors that are primarily investors and buy-side industry professionals. This is an important differentiator over mainstream investment news which is largely funded by sell-side advertisers. This is thought to skew their reporting. 

Seeking Alpha had been based on a freemium model. The site and most articles were free to all who wanted access. A paid subscription “Pro” level of service was added in 2018.  This level allowed access to a full library of content on each ticker including a small selection of articles by their most popular contributors. These articles were only available free for a few days after published, then behind the Pro paywall.  Today, what was once available to all at no cost, is $29.99 per month. Seeking Alpha still has a very stripped down bare bones “Basic” level. And their Pro level service now boasts VIP service and no ads for $199.99 per year.


Well researched ideas that investors can use, especially if they are insights a little ahead of the mainstream can be invaluable. It is up to each investor to determine their needs, their trust level, and to what extent they will find enough ideas over time to make paying for any provider worthwhile. The jump from $0.00 to $29.99 is still tough to swallow. For many readers the subscription may be worth every penny, for most of the 15-17 million unique visitors each month, they will likely find other providers of insight for their needs. Visitors to Channelchek spiked in January and still continue the well-above-average pace. As a free equity research platform, it may have been one of the beneficiaries.

It’s hard to calculate the ROI of an investment tool or information provider. But the costs are clear and measurable.  By comparison, the Wall Street Journal charges $19.49 per month, more than 10 dollars less. Barron’s, without any discounts, will cost readers about the same as Seeking Alpha’s $30.  Neither of these well-respected sources has monitoring tools and available data similar to Seeking Alpha.  The average visitor spends 6 minutes on the crowd-sourced articles, which is higher than Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, or The Economist.




If the goal of Seeking-Alpha is to seek additional revenue, this change may very well accomplish that for them.  With 15-17 million visitors, they can retain a small fraction paying for the same service and become more profitable. If the goal is to serve their long-time loyal visitors and advertisers, the change in their business model will make this more difficult.


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Release – Comstock Mining (LODE) – Focuses on Climate Smart Mining

Comstock Focuses on Climate Smart Mining; Develops Existing and New Precious and Strategic Metals Projects to Fuel Clean Energy Transition


Virginia City, NV (February 4, 2021) Comstock Mining Inc. (“Comstock” and the “Company”) (NYSE American: LODE), a diversified precious and strategic metals production and processing company, today updated its plans for meeting the escalating demand for clean energy technologies. The Company and our partners, including Mercury Clean-Up, LLC (“MCU”) started with the deployment of new metals extraction and processing technologies that remediate soils and more efficiently extract and process gold at the Company’s existing facilities and abroad and we have targeted new development projects that efficiently reprocess and renew silver and other strategic metals.

Comstock’s shift to climate-smart mining started with technologies that target tailings, leach pads, and other mining wastes, in order to capture residual precious metals. The Company’s partnerships, projects and technologies, involve proprietary processes for remediating mercury and other metals from abandoned and leached mining sites and the surrounding eco-systems, while more efficiently extracting silver, gold and other strategic metals.

Corrado De Gasperis, Comstock’s Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer stated, “Our ongoing work with remote mercury recovery and gold extraction provides an immediate example of our approach. MCU’s mercury remediation equipment is currently deployed in the Philippines, with processing operations commencing this month. We have coordinated with the community, landed the equipment, assembled the team, and prepped for start-up. Our joint venture partners are collaborating to begin removing toxic mercury contamination from U.S. and international eco-systems, while efficiently extracting gold from contaminated and abandoned mining sites.”

The Company plans to build and improve on these mineral and metal developments by introducing additional technologies that maximize recoveries from the Company’s existing gold and silver resources in Nevada, as well as other conservation-based projects that the Company and its partners plan on introducing in the coming months.

Quantum Surge in Global Demand for Metals

Comstock believes that its approach is especially timely and important. A recent report from the World Bank, entitled Mineral Intensity of the Clean Energy Transition, reported that the production of graphite, cobalt, lithium and many other strategic minerals and metals are expected to increase dramatically by 2050, as an estimated 3 billion tons of minerals and metals are used to deploy energy storage and renewable energy production projects.

“The world is becoming increasingly aware of the current risks and realities presented by climate change,” concluded Mr. De Gasperis. “A quantum surge of investment is expected in conservation-based energy storage and renewable energy projects worldwide. We cannot rely on conventional mining methods to meet critical mineral and metal needs and we are energized by these new opportunities, and the prospect of deploying these technologies to build shareholder value by meeting the increasing higher demand for these strategic, critical and precious metals.”

About Comstock Mining Inc.

Comstock Mining Inc. is a Nevada-based, precious and strategic metal-based exploration, economic resource development, mineral production and metal processing business with a strategic focus on high-value, cash-generating, environmentally friendly, and economically enhancing mining and processing technologies and businesses. The Company has extensive, contiguous property in the historic Comstock and Silver City mining districts (collectively, the “Comstock District”), is an emerging leader in sustainable, responsible mining and processing, and is currently commercializing environment-enhancing, metal-based technologies, products, and processes for precious and strategic metals recovery.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release and any related calls or discussions may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, are forward-looking statements. The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “project,” “plan,” “should,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” “would,” “potential” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of doing so. Forward-looking statements include statements about matters such as: consummation of all pending transactions; project, asset or Company valuations; future industry market conditions; future explorations, acquisitions, investments and asset sales; future performance of and closings under various agreements; future changes in our exploration activities; future estimated mineral resources; future prices and sales of, and demand for, our products; future impacts of land entitlements and uses; future permitting activities and needs therefor; future production capacity and operations; future operating and overhead costs; future capital expenditures and their impact on us; future impacts of operational and management changes (including changes in the board of directors); future changes in business strategies, planning and tactics and impacts of recent or future changes; future employment and contributions of personnel, including consultants; future land sales, investments, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, business combinations, operational, tax, financial and restructuring initiatives; the nature and timing of and accounting for restructuring charges and derivative liabilities and the impact thereof; contingencies; future environmental compliance and changes in the regulatory environment; future offerings of equity or debt securities; asset sales and associated costs; future working capital, costs, revenues, business opportunities, debt levels, cash flows, margins, earnings and growth.

These statements are based on assumptions and assessments made by our management in light of their experience and their perception of historical and current trends, current conditions, possible future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees, representations or warranties and are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are unforeseeable and beyond our control and could cause actual results, developments and business decisions to differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Some of those risks and uncertainties include the risk factors set forth in our filings with the SEC and the following: counterparty risks; capital markets’ valuation and pricing risks; adverse effects of climate changes or natural disasters; global economic and capital market uncertainties; the speculative nature of gold or mineral exploration, including risks of diminishing quantities or grades of qualified resources; operational or technical difficulties in connection with exploration or mining activities; contests over title to properties; potential dilution to our stockholders from our stock issuances and recapitalization and balance sheet restructuring activities; potential inability to comply with applicable government regulations or law; adoption of or changes in legislation or regulations adversely affecting businesses; permitting constraints or delays; decisions regarding business opportunities that may be presented to, or pursued by, us or others; the impact of, or the non-performance by parties under agreements relating to, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, business combinations, asset sales, leases, options and investments to which we may be party; changes in the United States or other monetary or fiscal policies or regulations; interruptions in production capabilities due to capital constraints; equipment failures; fluctuation of prices for gold or certain other commodities (such as silver, zinc, cyanide, water, diesel fuel and electricity); changes in generally accepted accounting principles; adverse effects of terrorism and geopolitical events; potential inability to implement business strategies; potential inability to grow revenues; potential inability to attract and retain key personnel; interruptions in delivery of critical supplies, equipment and raw materials due to credit or other limitations imposed by vendors or others; assertion of claims, lawsuits and proceedings; potential inability to satisfy debt and lease obligations; potential inability to maintain an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting; potential inability or failure to timely file periodic reports with the SEC; potential inability to list our securities on any securities exchange or market; inability to maintain the listing of our securities; and work stoppages or other labor difficulties. Occurrence of such events or circumstances could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows or the market price of our securities. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements by or attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these factors. Except as may be required by securities or other law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Neither this press release nor any related calls or discussions constitutes an offer to sell, the solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation with respect to any securities of the Company, the fund or any other issuer.

Contact information for

Comstock Mining Inc.
117 American Flat Rd
PO Box 1118
Virginia City, NV 89440

Corrado De Gasperis
Executive Chairman & CEO
Tel (775) 847-4755

Zach Spencer
Director of External Relations
Tel (775) 847-5272 ext.151

Source: Comstock Mining

PDS Biotechnology Corp (PDSB) – NCI-sponsored Phase 2 Study will Progress to Full Enrollment

Thursday, February 04, 2021

PDS Biotechnology Corp (PDSB)
NCI-sponsored Phase 2 Study will Progress to Full Enrollment

PDS Biotechnology Corp operates as a clinical stage biotechnology company, principally involved in drug discovery in the United States. It is primarily engaged in the treatment of various early-stage and late-stage cancers, including head and neck cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, anal cancer, and other cancers. Its products are based on the proprietary Versamune platform technology, which activates and directs the human immune system to unleash a powerful and targeted attack against cancer cells.

Ahu Demir, Ph. D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Moving towards full enrollment based on preliminary efficacy. Yesterday, PDS Biotechnology announced achievement of preliminary efficacy leading to progression of Phase 2 study to full enrollment. The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) sponsored Phase 2 trial is evaluating PDS0101 in combination with two investigational immune-modulating agents bintrafusp alfa (M7824, a TGF-b / anti-PD-L1 bifunctional fusion protein) and NHS-IL12 (M9241, a DNA-targeted immunocytokine) for the treatment of advanced human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers. Trial progression was decided initially based on the safety profile of the triple combination. Then on the efficacy front, the triple combination was expected to exceed (~40%) the single-agent M7824 clinical efficacy (30.5% objective response rate, ORR, published on J ImmunoTher Cancer 2020 October). As the objective response was observed in 3 out of 8 patients (37.5% ORR), the Phase 2 study will progress to full enrollment.

    Phase 2 study details.  The Phase 2 clinical study (NCT04287868) evaluating triple combination (M7824, M9241, and PDS0101 in a total of 40 subjects who are checkpoint inhibitor naïve and refractory patients with HPV-associated cancers. We anticipate more mature data in Q2/Q3 2021 …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Esports Entertainment Group, Inc. (GMBL) – Raising Price Target; Closes In On Acquisitions

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Esports Entertainment Group, Inc. (GMBL)
Raising Price Target; Closes In On Acquisitions

Esports Entertainment Group Inc is a development-stage online gambling company focused purely on esports. The company’s principal business operations include design, develop and test wagering systems.

Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    NobleCon 17 highlights. This report highlights a presentation and Q&A at NobleCon 17 with CEO Grant Johnson. A rebroadcast may be obtained by clicking here. Topics that were discussed included the company’s strategy to create a vertically integrated approach to the esports market, updates on the acquisition timeline, anticipated revenue in fiscal 2022, and future acquisition prospects.

    Acquisition timeline.  The EGL acquisition closed the day after the presentation. Lucky Dino is expected to close within the month of February. The bigger transaction, ggCircuit/Helix transaction should close late March or early April, and will be a debt and equity transaction …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.