Can Small Investors Compete With Wall Street?


Can Brokers Level the Playing Field for Individual Investors?


An interview with Alan Grujic, founder of All of Us Financial

With the dramatic change in technology over the last 30 years, it is now hard to imagine that at one time if a self-directed investor wanted to know how their stock was performing they’d have to sit in front of their TV and watch to see if the price scrolled across the ticker on the bottom of their screen. This access to prices, while the market was open, was an improvement over a few years earlier when they had to wait for the stock listing in the morning paper.

Technology has brought about many improvements in the way individuals participate in the financial markets. It has dramatically helped remove many disadvantages between the playing field of small investors and large and institutional players.

During the second half of January 2021, the issue of a level-playing field became front-page
news. The widely reported and hotly debated issue surrounds stocks that were popular short-sell positions among big-money players, and the “unionization” of individuals and their attempt to capitalize on what was seen by them as opportunity. Channelchek had published an article in April of 2020 about a unique broker investing app that launched in May of that year. I had plans to circle back just before income tax date in April of this year for an update. I moved the date up for the interview with Alan Grujic, CEO and Founder of All of Us Financial because I thought he could offer useful insight today into what self-directed investors should expect on the road to fairer competition and equal access.

All of Us is a trading platform for individuals. It shares a portion of each of its revenue streams with its customers. The CEO, Alan Grujic, is a trader, investor, and has built trading systems for bulge bracket investment firms. As an investor in Facebook before it went public, he has a unique take on the power in the information of collective users. Grujic believes that information can be distilled and shared with customers in a useful way. After he saw the trading app Robinhood build a community, then not determine what can be captured for the community benefit, Grujic decided to build what is his third financial company, All of Us Financial.


Below is Channelchek’s complete interview with Alan Grujic:

 Channelchek (PH):  Alan, I think if we grabbed nine friends and we played nine innings of baseball against the Dodgers, you and I would expect to lose in a big way. I’d think the loss would be less about our equipment than the practice and expertise of our opponents.  How level is the playing field in terms of equipment between the “pros” and the “amateurs” in the investment markets? 

 All of Us (AG):  The playing field isn’t level yet. Here’s how I see it and why I started this company. Technology, and the platform business model in particular, are really empowering. When you and I were young, at first, we didn’t have access to any basic information. Then even when we did, with say, a Charles Schwab account, we had to pay a whole bunch of money to execute a trade.

So this is how we’re empowered. The very first step to providing a level playing field is having information. I’m a professional trader. I have actually backtested terabytes of decades of data on models that have made hundreds of millions. So although it’s different than it used to be, I’m confident when I say, based on technical indicators I’ve backtested, they mostly don’t work. This doesn’t mean they aren’t useful as information to bring context into decisions. But not as a primary decision tool.

So, the first part of a level playing field is having the same information as everybody else. Then, if they’re more skilled, they’re still going to beat you, but you have to at least be equipped the same. We’re getting there, and active managers are now having a hard time beating the index because they don’t have superior information. This will continue to evolve, but we have come a long way toward having equally good information.

Let’s use Reddit as an example. Data from social media provides information that wasn’t initially being accessed by the incumbents. But if you watched closely at the GameStop transactions through the equities and options markets, there were large professionals that must have been capturing the activity and weighing it because they placed large profitable options trades.  So, while a bunch of retail guys saw the short interest and decided they’d line up and go long, a couple of professionals quickly bought options based on that information; they understood the value of paying attention to social media activity. So, all information is valuable.

The next challenge becomes expertise. This is the second thing you need. And this expertise can nowadays be delivered powerfully and at scale via data science and automated information and tools. And of course, that also is not enough because the nature of all this information is so hard to process. So, if you have the information and expertise, the third thing you need is the capacity to do something with it in ways that can process the huge amounts of data and information, you need infrastructure and processing capability. Those catering to individual investors aren’t there yet.

The solution is for technology platforms to do what Facebook is doing for themselves. I was an early investor in Facebook, before they went public, the power of Facebook is understanding the value of the customer information. So, the solution for customers is for brokerages to do something customers can’t do on their own. Provide the technology, tools, features, all the fancy machine learning that does the heavy lifting for these customers as a group, and then synthesize all of this information in useful ways for them.  Then, clearly, a million customers with a platform that does all of these things for them can be in the same order of magnitude as powerhouse hedge fund managers. Amassing information can certainly level the playing field.

In addition to the three I’ve mentioned, here are two additional things you also have to have.  Access, if you don’t have access, for example to certain IPOs or private market investments, you aren’t even on the same field. Finally, the last leveler is influence. Individuals can’t negotiate what Warren Buffet did during the financial crisis or when he made a great deal to buy OXY. For these last two, platforms can aggregate individual customers’ value in order to negotiate and express access and influence on their behalf.

If you have these five, you are theoretically on a level playing field; you just have to be as good as the other players.


Channelchek (PH): You launched your broker app in May 2020; there are many popular apps and online access to markets, why would someone use All of Us rather than another provider?


Alan Grujic, (January 28, 2021)

All of Us (AG):  There’s a lot of money being thrown at customer acquisitions in this business. If you think in terms of spending, there are a few examples of others spending several years of annual customer value in acquiring customers, almost 20% of customer lifetime value. Tastytrade just did a billion-dollar deal with IG out of Europe. They’re very aggressive. So why start another one? As an early investor in Facebook, I saw and know the power of creating tools that leverage social information for economic value. From this perspective, and having previously hired one of the Robinhood founders straight out of school, I was even more intrigued, I was watching Robinhood and thinking, this demonstrates the way people wish to have user experience delivered to them, but it also lends itself to so much more, and we also need to speak with people in the way they want to be spoken to, but of course we can say so much more. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with what they’re doing, or anyone else is doing. What if we [All of Us Financial] delivered modern tools for customers, delivered them value through sharing in our economics, did it with radical transparency, and didn’t just think of how to benefit ourselves?

The how I want to do that answers why someone would decide to have an account here; what I’m doing is creating something that is very powerful at scale. People that have a relationship here understand they will never get this with the other firms because it is not those firms’ intention. Those benefits aren’t part of their business model for growth.

This requires growth; until we’re bigger, we can’t yet provide a couple of the things I mentioned in the first question, like influence and access. When you’re bigger, you have more pull that you can use to benefit your customers, but only if that is what you plan was as a company in the first place, to use the greater scale to achieve these things.

If people have information through full company transparency, what they don’t have now at other brokerages, and if the business model aligns with customers where the firm promises to share every revenue stream with them, then this is actually the right way to build a Facebook meets Robinhood investment app where very powerful stuff is being done with the larger community and then delivered in a way that is really valuable and also enjoyable to customers. If it’s done in a social way and you show them that you’re going to act in their best interest.

A customer has the following values to this firm: they have assets that are going to generate revenues for them. Their data has value that is going to generate revenue. Their time activity, that would be watching ads or giving opinions, will generate common value. Customers have our promise that we will share in every revenue stream, that’s where we provide something different. It’s nice to say, “trust us,” but customers can also verify as we’re totally transparent.

We report on our platform exactly how much revenue we make from each customer, how much we’ve shared with them, and we promise to always share at least some amount of every revenue stream.


Channelchek (PH):  A lot of people seemed surprised to learn all of the ways that a “free” brokerage account earns money for the broker. Do you think a broker owes it to the customer to be transparent about the various ways they make money?

 All of Us (AG):  Yes, and at a granular level. I think customers should understand the components of how we make money. People make decisions based on having good information. It’s silly for people to expect firms to not make money off of their business; if they didn’t exist, the benefit of their service wouldn’t exist. What’s reasonable? Well, if you know what everybody is making, then you can make an informed decision as to what’s fair.



Channelchek (PH):  All of Us Financial seems more paternal than its older competitors; I know one of the things you were doing to encourage investors to think in terms of risk-adjusted returns was the SharpeShooter Challenge (named from the Sharpe ratio), paying out a reward each month. Can you give specifics on how it’s measured?

 All of Us (AG):  One of the things I think is helpful if you can show everybody how the overall platform is doing. Everybody talks about the Robinhood retail guys and wonder if they’re getting hurt or winning.  Instead of talking about it, maybe customers have the right to know what the performance of the group is doing. This lets the customer evaluate success across the platforms. So what we do is we publish our overall platform return.

Another thing that is helpful if I’m a customer of a platform I want to know how well I’m doing relative to everyone else. It serves as a benchmark. This information sharing is something you have to opt-in to. I thought it would be fun to reward people for doing well. The SharpeShooter Challenge encourages opting-in, which I think helps the overall experience of customers.  I didn’t want the contest to encourage people to take crazy risks in order to win best performance. So, as a former hedge fund manager, I was measured on performance net of risk, measured as volatility. I want to impress on people, your return is what you’re here to do, but your risk determines whether you’re going to last long-term. We use the Sharpe ratio, so we reward someone each month on return divided by portfolio volatility (return%/Volatility%). We are trying to raise awareness that while return is obviously good, volatility is an indicator of risk, which it is generally desirable to lower as much as possible.


Channelchek (PH):  You opened your doors to customers a few months after COVID-19 hit the U.S. I am sure that was concerning. What impact do you think the pandemic has had on interest in self-directed investing?

 All of Us (AG):  I remember sitting there thinking, this is really bad luck, launching a company into a pandemic. Then as we all know, this became a popular thing, our industry grew like crazy as a result of it. In hindsight, it makes sense, but it wasn’t obvious when the pandemic hit.


Channelchek (PH):  What are individual investors most in need of, regardless of whether it’s self-deprived or just not available to them?

 All of Us (AG):  There are a lot of great charting packages. They don’t need more charting packages or more people running basic robo-advisory algorithms. Good tools for these exist. What’s missing now is there is a lot of value in their collective information. What we will do when we reach and get beyond 10,000 customers is machine learn on that. And by the way, we are radically transparent here as well, showing how many customers we have right on the platform. I’ve done valuable machine learning within the first two companies I had; the theory is if you can look at a large enough sample size of independent customers, then take a look at their collective information and the errors that cancel out, you will be left with enriched information. That’s what retail customers need, synthesized data science that is in an easily digested format.

Another important thing, we need to give them information and access to private markets with supporting education. This is beginning to happen, but far from equal access at this point.


Channelchek (PH):  The markets have been pretty strong since you opened your doors for business? Are you at all concerned that newer investors may have built up false confidence?

 All of Us (AG):  Yes. That could become a real problem. I think the way to solve that to give information on context. I don’t know if you can convince people because there’s always the “this time it’s different” feeling. So, that may not be enough. We’ve been on an upward trend for a long time. The concerns at the turn of the century of Y2K caused them to flood the economy with liquidity, causing a bubble which was followed by a halving of the market. Then we went down about 50% again during the credit crisis a short time later, that was quite a bit of pain happening twice in a short period, and we have been moving up for a long time since as on a long-term basis, we were probably due for some good times. So a lot of people haven’t seen a prolonged downturn. It’s going to be hard to convince them that it can happen.

What I learned early on is when the market is giving you money, you have to take it. Because most of the time, it’s not. Participating when the market is rallying makes up for long periods when it’s just up and down or sideways. But investing is hard; it’s vexing because you will get caught if you’re not cautious. If you’re young and you’ve never seen it, you’ve been rewarded for not being cautious. I don’t know how to fully solve this one.


Channelchek (PH):  What’s in store for the year ahead?

 All of Us (AG):  The roadmap for this year is to add out product sets. To do another improvement based on our customer feedback in order to make their experience better. And we plan to grow past 10,000 customers so we can start doing meaningful data science. That’s all we want to tackle this year. It’s a fair bit.



There were quite a number of things I learned about Alan Grujic during our lengthy conversation before, after and during the interview. I’d summarize them by saying that he’s a problem solver. This seemed to be at the foundation of why he started his investment app platform. Finding solutions to problems others may not even realize exist work their way into his planned approach to each of the aspects of the online brokerage.  He aims to either provide what isn’t currently being done, or offer better than what currently exists. He also places a high priority on empowering individuals. The firm’s business model involves social empowerment and using its valuable collective data to benefit those on the platform.  He likened what has been happening with Reddit as a step toward social empowerment for individuals that falls in the “trial and error” stage in the industry. Alan likened what is happening with the subreddit group as part of the road for investors toward a level playing field. He said, “There’ll be several trial and errors in the evolution, and people shouldn’t dismiss this [Reddit/GameStop]. They should realize this is an expression of a business model leading to collective empowerment in investing.”


Paul Hoffman

Managing Editor, Channelchek


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Could Use Help With Investing

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Personal thanks to Alan Grujic at All of Us Financial for his time


Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) – Adding Another Ultramax

Friday, January 29, 2021

Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE)
Adding Another Ultramax

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. is a US-based drybulk owner-operator focused on the Supramax/Ultramax mid-size asset class, which ranges from 50,000 and 65,000 deadweight tons in size; these vessels are equipped with onboard cranes allowing for the self-loading and unloading of cargoes, a feature which distinguishes them from the larger classes of drybulk vessels and provides for greatly enhanced flexibility and versatility- both with respect to cargo diversity and port accessibility. The Company transports a broad range of major and minor bulk cargoes around the world, including coal, grain, ore, pet coke, cement, and fertilizer. Eagle operates out of three offices, Stamford (headquarters), Singapore, and Hamburg, and performs all aspects of vessel management in-house including: commercial, operational, technical, and strategic.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Another Utlramax extends fleet renewal program. A 2017-built SDARI-64 will be acquired for ~$19.1 million (cash of $15.0 million and an equity warrant of $4.1 million) in 2Q2021. The warrant will be exchanged into 212,315 unregistered shares at closing. The acquisition adds to the three SDARI-64 Ultramaxes, built in 2015-6 at Chengxi Shipyard and outfitted with scrubbers, already lined up to to add to the fleet in 1Q2021. The impact on the age profile and fuel consumption are positive, and the pro forma fleet will total 49 vessels with an average age of ~8.8 years.

    Slight positive impact on 2021 EBITDA.  Assuming the acquisition closes in the middle of 2Q2021, there should be a positive impact and our new EBITDA estimate moves to $78.6 million, up $1.4 million …

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Ayala Pharmaceuticals (AYLA) – First Patient Dose in Breast Cancer Trial

Friday, January 29, 2021

Ayala Pharmaceuticals (AYLA)
First Patient Dose in Breast Cancer Trial

Ayala Pharmaceuticals Inc clinical-stage oncology company focused on developing and commercializing small molecule therapeutics for patients suffering from rare and aggressive cancers, primarily in genetically defined patient populations. The company’s current portfolio of product candidates, AL101 and AL102, targets the aberrant activation of the Notch pathway with gamma secretase inhibitors. Its product candidate, AL101, is being developed as a potent, selective, injectable small molecule gamma secretase inhibitor, or GSI. It is also developing AL101 for the treatment of T-ALL, an aggressive, rare form of T-cell specific leukemia.

Ahu Demir, Ph. D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    TNBC trial is active. Yesterday, Ayala Pharmaceuticals announced that the first patient was dosed in its Phase 2 TENACITY clinical trial of its potent, selective small molecule AL101 for the treatment of patients with Notch-activated recurrent or metastatic (R/M) triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).

    TENACITY details.  The open-label, multicenter, single arm Phase 2 study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of AL101 monotherapy in patients with Notch-activated R/M TNBC. It is expected to initially enroll up to 26 patients with Notch-activated R/M TNBC whose disease has recurred or progressed after three or fewer lines of prior therapy. Notch activation will be determined using a Next …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Endeavour Silver (EXK)(EDR:CA) – Updating Estimates based on 2021 Production and Cost Guidance

Friday, January 29, 2021

Endeavour Silver (EXK)(EDR:CA)
Updating Estimates based on 2021 Production and Cost Guidance

As of April 24, 2020, Noble Capital Markets research on Endeavour Silver is published under ticker symbols (EXK and EDR:CA). The price target is in USD and based on ticker symbol EXK. Research reports dated prior to April 24, 2020 may not follow these guidelines and could account for a variance in the price target.

Endeavour Silver Corp is a precious metal mining company. The company is primarily engaged in silver mining and owns three high-grade, underground, silver-gold mines in Mexico. Its other business activities include acquisition, exploration, development, extraction, processing, refining and reclamation. The company is organized into four operating mining segments, Guanacevi, Bolanitos, El Cubo, and El Compas, which are located in Mexico as well as Exploration and Corporate segments. Its Exploration segment consists of projects in the exploration and evaluation phases in Mexico and Chile.

Mark Reichman, Senior Research Analyst of Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Guidance for 2021. Endeavour Silver released 2021 production and cost guidance. The company expects to produce between 3.6 million and 4.3 million ounces of silver and 31,000 to 35,500 ounces of gold, or 6.1 million to 7.1 million ounces of silver equivalent. Endeavour also provided its 2021 capital and exploration budgets for its three operating mines.

    Updating estimates.  We have adjusted our 2020 loss per share estimate to $(0.10) from $(0.07) and our 2021 EPS estimate to $0.14 from $0.20. Our earnings revisions are based on lower production and narrower operating margin. For 2021, we forecast silver and gold production of 4.3 million ounces and 34.1 thousand ounces, respectively. We project 2020 and 2021 EBITDA of $22.2 million and …

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. (FLWS) – At Some Point This Will Happen

Friday, January 29, 2021 (FLWS)
At Some Point This Will Happen

1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. is the leading provider of gourmet and floral gifts for all occasions. For nearly 40 years, 1-800-FLOWERS® has been helping deliver smiles for customers with gifts for every occasion, including fresh flowers, premium, gift-quality fruits, and other gourmet items from Harry & David®, popcorn and specialty treats from The Popcorn Factory®; cookies and baked gifts from Cheryl’s®; premium chocolates and confections from Fannie May®; gift baskets and towers from®; premium English muffins and other breakfast treats from Wolferman’s; carved fresh fruit arrangements from; and top quality steaks and chops from Stock Yards®. The Company’s BloomNet® international floral wire service provides a broad range of quality products and value-added services designed to help professional florists grow their businesses profitably.

Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Significantly beats expectations. Fiscal second quarter revenue of $877.3 million exceeded expectations by 17%, due to stronger than expected performance at its recent acqusition, Cash flow, as measured by adjusted EBITDA, exceeded expectations by 19% to $160.5 million.

    Fiscal Q3 guidance better than expected.  Fiscal Q3 revenue guidance was better than expected, anticipated to show growth between 45% to 50%, with adjusted EBITDA expected to be between $4 million and $5 million, a quarter that typically reports seasonal losses …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Release – CoreCivic (CXW) – Announces 2020 Fourth Quarter Earnings Release and Conference


CoreCivic Announces 2020 Fourth Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call Dates


BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Jan. 28, 2021 — CoreCivic, Inc. (NYSE: CXW) (the Company) announced today that it will release its 2020 fourth quarter financial results after the market closes on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.

A live broadcast of CoreCivic’s conference call will begin at 10:00 a.m. central time (11:00 a.m. eastern time) on Thursday, February 11, 2021, and will be accessible through the Company’s website at under the “Events & Presentations” section of the “Investors” page. The live broadcast can also be accessed by dialing 866-248-8441 in the U.S. and Canada, including the confirmation passcode 3061661. An online replay of the call will be archived on our website promptly following the conference call. In addition, there will be a telephonic replay available beginning at 1:00 p.m. central time (2:00 p.m. eastern time) on February 11, 2021, through 1:00 p.m. central time (2:00 p.m. eastern time) on February 19, 2021. To access the telephonic replay, dial 888-203-1112 in the U.S. and Canada. International callers may dial +1 719-457-0820 and enter passcode 3061661.

About CoreCivic

The Company is a diversified government solutions company with the scale and experience needed to solve tough government challenges in flexible, cost-effective ways. We provide a broad range of solutions to government partners that serve the public good through corrections and detention management, a network of residential reentry centers to help address America’s recidivism crisis, and government real estate solutions. We are the nation’s largest owner of partnership correctional, detention and residential reentry facilities, and believe we are the largest private owner of real estate used by U.S. government agencies. The Company has been a flexible and dependable partner for government for more than 35 years. Our employees are driven by a deep sense of service, high standards of professionalism and a responsibility to help government better the public good. Learn more at


Investors: Cameron Hopewell
Managing Director, Investor Relations
(615) 263-3024

Media: Steve Owen
Vice President, Communications
(615) 263-3107

SOURCE: CoreCivic

Short-Sellers vs GameStop Buyers


The Polarized Opinions Surrounding the GameStop Short Squeeze


Gamestop (GME) short-sellers have been handed a lesson in taking on a short position without a plan. At least that’s one way to look at what’s being called the most painful short-squeeze in history. But there are many ways to look at the GME short; it is as polarizing as so many other events we’ve seen in the past 24 months. Events where people line up to choose sides. This includes unaffected people, even those that still can’t explain a “short stock position” yet are vehemently arguing for or against the activities that lead to the GameStop short-squeeze.

Most of the short positions are hedge funds and other institutional investors. Those buying GameStop now at what is considered excessive prices are viewed as newbies treating the stock market as a game. The headlines, quotes, and reporting below are from various media outlets, print, TV, online video channels, bloggers, vloggers, and a few social media posts. There is a good deal of emotion surrounding this historic event, including those who cheer it and those looking to the regulators asking them to make sure this can’t happen again.

If you’re well versed in going long and short stock, skip over the next two paragraphs (show them to your less informed friends).

What is Shorting a Stock?

When an investor buys a stock, the potential for upside, in theory, is unlimited. If the price keeps rising, the cash it can put in their pocket increases as well. Speculators that expect a decline in the value of a company’s shares sell stocks they don’t own (short sale) to buy it back later at a lower price. This is known as covering their shorts. The potential for gain is finite in that it can only be as much as the initial trade’s sale price.  Conversely, if the price goes up after they sold a stock in expectation of covering at a lower price, their potential for loss is as infinite as if they owned it and it kept rising.

Disciplined traders with well-defined stop-losses don’t have greater risk, whether long or short. Stock market participants that are willing to let their shorts move far against them because they are “sure” the stock will go down and that they will reap the rewards could suffer if they hold too long.  If faced with further price increases, they have this difficult question, “do I close out my position, take the loss and redeploy my resources someplace else, with less than I started, or do I continue to hold the short position despite my original misjudgment?”

Davey vs. Goliath

The shorting activity that had taken root by Monday (Jan. 25) had grown tremendously Tuesday in after-hours trading after Elon Musk posted on Reddit, which fueled dramatic price moves (Musk’s company TSLA was a popular short by hedge funds last year). The message posted on the subreddit board (wallstreetbets) suggested support for the buyers; he later amplified the message on Twitter

Many news outlets first reported the GameStop stock activity as a Davey vs. Goliath story. U.S. News and World Report spread a widely distributed Associated Press article titled “Smaller Investors Face Down Hedge Funds, as GameStop Soars”  The article published on Monday held the view that “A head-scratching David and Goliath story is playing out on Wall Street over the stock price of a money-losing video game retailer.”  One Bloomberg article characterized the short-sellers as not motivated by greed, but instead “…engaged in an anger-driven uprising against the establishment.” The Bloomberg headline read: “GameStop is Rage Against the Financial Machine.

Political commentator Dan Bongino who is a large investor in the social media platform Parler, even had something to contribute. Parler’s fate is uncertain in their battle against Amazon and Apple, among others.  Bongino put his own spin on what’s happening. In his daily podcast, The Dan Bongino Show (Episode 1444), Dan described it as “Wall Street elites in meltdown mode.” He took glee in the coordination and tactics used by the masses in what he labeled “A war of attrition between the elites and the great unwashed.”

Part of the polarizing is the natural conflict between generations.  Older generations don’t always cede control as quickly as younger generations may want. In contrast, younger generations find their own methods and rules for acting in an adult world. This GME story is being reported in that way by some. A Reddit moderator of wallstreetbets titled a post, “How’d you guys manage to win so big it made these old guys drown in their tears?” It is a lengthy post that ends in this way:

“…That fuzzy sensation you are feeling is called
RESPECT, and it is well earned. Wall Street no longer dismisses your presence
anymore. The smart ones know that you guys do things differently and will adapt
in ways to accommodate you and how you as the next generation want things done.
You should all be proud of yourselves.

Your time is now.

On behalf of the Mod team,

Make that money and be the change you want to see.”



Market Manipulators to be Dealt With

The articles and support of the “small guy” flexing their collective muscles are giving way to stories describing the dangers of coordinated trading. The SEC, Nasdaq, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen, and even online brokerage firms discussed actions they would take.

In an opinion piece published by MarketWatch on Wednesday (Jan. 27), Jeremy C. Owens wrote, “Reddit’s WallStreetBets is really the same old story — a concerted effort of market manipulators who will get rich and surely destroy some unwitting participants in the process.”

Stock Broker TD Ameritrade blocked some trades on Wednesday in GME according to a notification received by some clients. The SEC said late Wednesday that it is monitoring the “volatility in the options and equities markets” and “working with our fellow regulators to assess the situation,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

Regulators were urged in recent weeks by “tipsters” to review statements made on message boards and social media to determine whether there was fraud in plain sight. The Biden Administration’s economic team is “monitoring the situation,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday afternoon regarding GameStops activity. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also released a statement Wednesday evening saying they are “aware of and actively monitoring the on-going market volatility in the options and equities markets.”


Movement in GME vs. S&P 500 since January 1, 2021


Nasdaq’s CEO Adena Friedman told CNBC Thursday they actively monitor social media chatter and will halt stock trading if the content it sees matches with “unusual activity in stocks.” Bloomberg reported that Wells Fargo had banned its advisors from making stock recommendations on GameStop.  

“The Internet” Weighs In

It was clear that many social media posters were also piling on — not by buying GME, but by posting memes. To be sure, many of them were not involved in the stock market but had to quickly learn in order to understand the buzz going on around them.




These Tweets are just a small sampling found on only one social media platform. The number of comments, retweets, and “Likes” measure in the hundreds of thousands.


Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick referred to short sellers, in general, as a “curious bunch” who profit through “courage and careful research.” But as the Reddit/GME battle continues, he warned, “many” could quickly “find themselves swamped.”  Sosnick also commented that no one can withstand an investor “tsunami.” He seems to be more than aware of the skills required.

Whether or not you’re involved in Gamestop, you can use what is happening to professional money managers as a lesson and a reminder not to let losses get too far away from you. Unexpected events occur, pandemics, contango, disasters, accounting fraud, legislative changes, and competition. There is also the dreaded “tape bomb” where someone of prominence says something unexpected that unravels your reason for holding the position in the first place. Part of being in any position is having an exit plan. The reason for the exit plan is to know what to do when you were “more sober” neither cheering your gains or agonizing over losses.

It’s also a reminder of how power shifts in the market. It is only recently individuals enjoy free trades, true equity research, increased communication, and screening software. Throw in a few stimulus checks, and perhaps some power has shifted away from Wall Street for now.


Suggested Reading:

of Excess Corporate Cash

ETFs, and Alligators

Good are Experts at Predicting the Market


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Gevo, Inc. (GEVO) – Update on Timing of FEED Engineering and Financial Close

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Gevo, Inc. (GEVO)
Update on Timing of FEED Engineering and Financial Close

Gevo Inc is a renewable chemicals and biofuels company engaged in the development and commercialization of alternatives to petroleum-based products based on isobutanol produced from renewable feedstocks. Its operating segments are the Gevo segment and the Gevo Development/Agri-Energy segment. By its segments, it is involved in research and development activities related to the future production of isobutanol, including the development of its biocatalysts, the production and sale of biojet fuel, its Retrofit process and the next generation of chemicals and biofuels that will be based on its isobutanol technology. Gevo Development/Agri-Energy is the key revenue generating segment which involves the operation of the Luverne Facility and production of ethanol, isobutanol and related products.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Corporate update summarized significant milestones achieved and highlighted potential milestones. Update clarified the timing of FEED engineering and project financing, while reinforcing information discussed in two recent presentations by CEO Pat Gruber at NobleCon 17 and on a fire side chat for Water Tower Research (WTR) earlier this week.

    Major achievement is funding secured for equity investments in first two Net-Zero plants.  As stated in our recent research notes, significant capital raises increased pro forma cash to ~$535 million, which locks in the majority of the equity investments for the first two Net-Zero plants. Using a mix of 70% debt/30% equity, Gevo might fund all of the equity in Net Zero 1 (~$210—$240 million) and the …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Tribune Publishing Company (TPCO) – What Is The Company’s Value?

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tribune Publishing Company (TPCO)
What Is The Company’s Value?

Tribune Publishing Co is a print and online media company that publishes various newspapers and websites. It creates and distribute content across its media portfolio, offering integrated marketing, media, and business services to consumers and advertisers, including digital solutions and advertising opportunities. The company manages its business as two distinct segments, M and X. Segment M is comprised of the company’s media groups excluding their digital revenues and related digital expenses, except digital subscription revenues when bundled with a print subscription. Segment X includes the company’s digital revenues and related digital expenses from local Tribune websites, third party websites, mobile applications, digital only subscriptions, Tribune Content Agency and BestReviews.

Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    NobleCon 17 highlights. This report provides highlights from a fireside chat conversation with Terry Jimenez, the CEO, at Noble’s 17th annual conference last week. A rebroadcast of that conversation may be obtained by clicking here. Topics that were discussed included the company’s digital transition, improving margin outlook, and the offer by its largest shareholder to buy the remaining shares it does not own.

    Improving margin outlook.  Management provided guidance for 2021 which indicated that adj. EBITDA margins should improve from 11.3% in 2020 to 15.5% in 2021. Importantly, management indicated that it expects margins to continue to improve beyond 2021 …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Release – Helius Medical Technologies (HSDT) – Announces Pricing of 9.6 Million Underwritten Public Offering Priced At Market


Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. Announces Pricing of $9.6 Million Underwritten Public Offering Priced At Market


NEWTOWN, Pa., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:HSDT) (TSX:HSM) (“Helius” or the “Company”), a neurotech company focused on neurological wellness, announced today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of units for gross proceeds of approximately $9.6 million prior to deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses payable by Helius. The offering is comprised of 647,772 Units, priced at a public offering price of $14.82 per unit, with each unit consisting of one share of common stock and a warrant to purchase 0.5 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $16.302 per share that expires on the fifth anniversary of the date of issuance.

The securities comprising the units are immediately separable and will be issued separately. The closing of the offering is expected to take place on or about February 1, 2021, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of customary closing conditions.

Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc. is acting as the sole bookrunning manager of the offering.

A total of 647,772 shares of common stock and warrants to purchase up to 323,886 shares of common stock will be issued in the offering. In addition, the Company has granted the underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to 97,164 additional shares of common stock and additional warrants to purchase up to 48,582 shares of common stock, solely to cover over-allotments, if any, at the public offering price per share and per warrant, less the underwriting discounts and commissions.

The securities were offered pursuant to a registration statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-251804), which was declared effective by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on January 27, 2021 and an additional registration statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-252495) filed pursuant to Rule 462(b), which became effective on January 27, 2021.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor will there be any sales of these securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The offering is being made solely by means of a prospectus. A final prospectus relating to this offering will be filed by Helius with the SEC. When available, copies of the final prospectus can be obtained at the SEC’s website at or from Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc., Prospectus Department, 640 Fifth Avenue, 4th floor, New York, NY 10019 by email at

About Helius Medical Technologies, Inc.

Helius Medical Technologies is a neurotech company focused on neurological wellness. The Company’s purpose is to develop, license and acquire unique and non-invasive platform technologies that amplify the brain’s ability to heal itself. The Company’s first commercial product is the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNSTM). For more information, visit

About the PoNS™ Device and PoNS Treatment™

The Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS™) is authorized for sale in Canada as a class II, non-implantable, medical device intended as a short term treatment (14 weeks) of gait deficit due to symptoms from multiple sclerosis (MS), and chronic balance deficit due to mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury (mmTBI) and is to be used in conjunction with physical therapy. The PoNS™ is an investigational medical device in the United States, the European Union (“EU”), and Australia (“AUS”). The device is currently under review for de novo classification and clearance by the FDA. It is also under premarket review by the AUS Therapeutic Goods Administration. PoNS™ is currently not commercially available in the United States, the European Union or Australia.

Cautionary Disclaimer Statement:

Certain statements in this news release are not based on historical facts and constitute forward-looking statements or forward-looking information within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as “believe,” “continue,” “look forward,” “will,” “committed to” and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding the Company’s anticipated closing of the underwritten public offering and anticipated use of proceeds therefrom.

There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability of the Company to close the offering, the Company’s need to raise additional capital to achieve its business objectives and other risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators, and including the risks and uncertainties about the Company’s business described in the “Risk Factors” sections of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 and its other filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Canadian securities regulators, which can be obtained from either at or

The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from such statements except to the extent required by law.

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.

Investor Relations Contact:

Westwicke Partners on behalf of Helius Medical Technologies, Inc.
Mike Piccinino, CFA

SOURCE: Helius Medical Technologies, Inc.

CoreCivic, Inc. (CXW) – Biden Signs Executive Order to End Use of Private Prisons by BoP

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

CoreCivic, Inc. (CXW)
Biden Signs Executive Order to End Use of Private Prisons by BoP

CoreCivic is a diversified government solutions company with the scale and experience needed to solve tough government challenges in flexible, cost-effective ways. We provide a broad range of solutions to government partners that serve the public good through corrections and detention management, a growing network of residential reentry centers to help address America’s recidivism crisis, and government real estate solutions. We are a publicly traded real estate investment trust and the nation’s largest owner of partnership correctional, detention and residential reentry facilities. We also believe we are the largest private owner of real estate used by U.S. government agencies. The Company has been a flexible and dependable partner for government for more than 35 years. Our employees are driven by a deep sense of service, high standards of professionalism and a responsibility to help government better the public good.

Joe Gomes, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Executive Order. Yesterday President Biden signed an executive order stating “The Attorney General shall not renew Department of Justice contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities…” Predictably, this news had a negative impact on both the private prison operators we cover — CoreCivic and The GEO Group.

    But What Does the EO Mean?  Not surprisingly, the EO is somewhat vague, and contradictory. First, it is unclear if the order only applies to the BoP, which would be similar to the August 2016 Deputy Attorney General’s order requiring the BoP to phase out the use of private prisons or does the order include the U.S. Marshals Service, which also is part of the DoJ. The EO also mentions “prioritizing …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Allegiant Gold Allegiant Gold Ltd (AUXXF) – 2021 Expected to Be Catalyst Rich

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Allegiant Gold

Allegiant Gold Ltd (AUXXF)
2021 Expected to Be Catalyst Rich

Allegiant Gold Ltd is a gold exploration company. Its project profile consists of Bolo, Browns Canyon, Clara Moro, Four Metals, Monitor Hills, Red Hills, Silver Dome, West Goldfield, White Horse Flats, Mogollon, Eastside, Dutch Flat, and others.

Mark Reichman, Senior Research Analyst of Natural Resources, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    NobleCon17 Presentation. Mr. Peter Gianulis, CEO, Allegiant Gold, made a presentation and participated in a panel discussion at NobleCon17. Replays are available here. Allegiant is advancing its Eastside Gold Project in Nevada. Eastside currently has a NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource of 996 thousand gold ounces and 7.8 million silver ounces, or 1.1 million ounces of gold equivalent, with significant expansion potential. Near-term goals include: 1) expanding the permitted operating area, 2) completion of an updated mineral resource estimate to include recent drilling in the southern portion of the project area, 3) completion of a preliminary economic assessment that may include results from additional drilling in the northern portion of the project area, and 4) advancing the project to a resource of greater than 2 million ounces of gold over the next one to two years.

    Drilling program.  In September 2020, the company commenced a 15,000-meter drilling program to test additional targets, expand resources at the Castle Zone in the southern part of the project area, and increase resources at the Original Pit Zone in the northern portion of the project area which hosts the current mineral resource. From September to December 2020, Allegiant drilled over 40 holes …

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision. 

Release – Ely Gold (ELYGF)(ELY:CA) – Options Spanish Moon Project Nye County Nevada

Ely Gold Royalties Options Spanish Moon Project, Nye County, Nevada


Ely Gold Retains 3% NSR with 100% Option to Navy Resources

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, January 27, 2021. Ely Gold Royalties Inc. (TSX-V:ELY, OTCQX:ELYGF) (“Ely Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Nevada Select Royalty Inc (“Nevada Select”), it has entered into an option agreement (the “Agreement”) with Navy Resources (“Navy”) (TSX-V: NVY), whereby Navy will have the option to purchase 100% of the Spanish Moon Project (“Spanish Moon” or the “Property”) with Ely Gold retaining a 3% Net Smelter Royalty (“NSR”). The Spanish Moon Project is located approximately 13 km SE of the active Round Mountain mine that has produced over 15 million ounces of gold (see Figure 1). Closing of the Agreement (the “Effective Date”) is subject to final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”).

The Property

Spanish Moon is in Nye County, Nevada and includes seventy (70) unpatented mining claims (the “Nevada Select Claims”) which are approximately 97 km north-northeast of the town of Tonopah, Nevada and thus has proximal infrastructure and is easily accessible, being withhin 1.5 hours drive to Tonopah. The Nevada Select Claims are situated between two intrusions that provide the heat, structural preparation and fluid flow required for Carlin-type deposits. The later emplaced calderas in the area can provide the additional heat and fluids in preferred host rock, which are delineated as silty limestone across the property package, capable of producing large Carlin style systems.

The consolidation of the Spanish Moon District also includes a lease/option for the acquisition of 87.25% of two patented mining claims (the “Barcelona Claims”) negotiated by Navy and Nevada Select. The Agreement allows Nevada Select a right of first refusal (“ROFR”) for the Barcelona Claims should Navy terminate the Agreement.

Jerry Baughman, President of Nevada Select commented, “Ely Gold’s consolidation of the patented and unpatented claim groups in the Spanish Moon District represents the first time that this district will be explored as a single project. This is exactly the kind of high-quality, under-explored property that Ely Gold continues to generate and option to exceptional exploration partners. Navy intends to explore a number of target-ready zones that have been identified at Spanish Moon. We look forward to a long relationship with this seasoned group of geologists on this important Property”.

The Agreement

Navy will have the option to purchase 100% of the Property for the total purchase price of US$750,000 and 750,000 common shares of Navy (the “Navy Shares”) payable as follows:

  1. USD$50,000 Cash Payment upon entering into the Ely Agreement (on the “Effective Date”);
  2. The issue of 150,000 Navy Shares within 5 business days of the Effective Date;
  3. USD$75,000 Cash Payment and 150,000 Navy Shares on or before the first anniversary of the Effective Date;
  4. USD$125,000 Cash Payment and 200,000 Navy Shares on or before the second anniversary of the Effective Date;
  5. USD$250,000 Cash Payment and 250,000 Navy Shares on or before the third anniversary of the Effective Date; and
  6. USD$250,000 Cash Payment on or before the fourth anniversary of the Effective Date, upon which the Option Exercise will be complete.

Ely Gold will retain a NSR of 3% on the Nevada Select Claims and the Barcelona Claims. Navy may reduce the 3% NSR to a 2% NSR for a one-time payment of $1,000,000. The Agreement provides for an area of interest as outlined in Figure 1. Navy is responsible for all Property holding costs and payments related to the Barcelona Claims during the term of the Agreement. Navy has also reimbursed Nevada Select for its 2020 staking costs.

Qualified Person

Stephen Kenwood, P. Geo, is director of the Company and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Kenwood has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.

About Ely Gold Royalties Inc.

Ely Gold Royalties Inc. is a Nevada focused gold royalty company. Its current portfolio includes royalties at Jerritt Canyon, Goldstrike and Marigold, three of Nevada’s largest gold mines, as well as the Fenelon mine in Quebec, operated by Wallbridge Mining. The Company continues to actively seek opportunities to purchase producing or near-term producing royalties. Ely Gold also generates development royalties through property sales on projects that are located at or near producing mines. Management believes that due to the Company’s ability to locate and purchase third-party royalties, its strategy of organically creating royalties and its gold focus, Ely Gold offers shareholders a favourable leverage to gold prices and low-cost access to long-term gold royalties in safe mining jurisdictions.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Signed “Trey Wasser”
Trey Wasser, President & CEO

For further information, please contact:

Trey Wasser, President & CEO


Joanne Jobin, Investor Relations Officer

647 964 0292

FORWARD-LOOKING CAUTIONS: This press release contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, including, but not limited to, statements regarding completion of the Transaction. Forwardlooking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “projects,” “aims,” “potential,” “goal,” “objective,” “prospective,” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will,” “would,” “may,” “can,” “could” or “should” occur, or are those statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions that forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company’s management on the date the statements are made and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Except to the extent required by applicable securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include the Company’s inability to control whether the buy-down right will ever be exercised, and whether the right of first refusal will ever be triggered, uncertainty as to whether any mining will occur on the property covered by the Probe Royalty such that the Company will receive any payment therefrom, and the general risks and uncertainties relating to the mineral exploration, development and production business. The reader is urged to refer to the Company’s reports, publicly available through the Canadian Securities Administrators’ System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) at for a more complete discussion of such risk factors and their potential effect.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Figure 1.

Source: Ely Gold Royalties