The New Age of Investor Relations

Investor Relations in 2020 — Meeting the Needs of Investors and Companies

Is face-to-face communication gone forever? Are nimbleness and strategic plan more critical than financial reports? Is loyalty from the investment community on par with having the loyalty of customers and employees? Are reputable company-sponsored research firms protecting their reputation when “business as usual” is on hold? Does this leave both investor and customer base maintained? Has the current economic weakness strengthened investor relations firms? These are among the questions addressed in this well-thought-out, well-presented release posted May 4th in USA Today titled: The New Age of Investor
Relations by Stuart Smith, CEO, and Founder of

The New Age of Investor Relations

So far in 2020, we learned with abject certainty that “business as usual” is an axiom of the past. COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the world, leaving in its wake total carnage of economies, businesses, communities, schools and health care systems. As world leaders and health experts attempt to define a semblance of the “new” normal, we’re all reminded that the future can only be forecast, not foretold. This means it’s time to adapt.

Established crisis management plans, from a global perspective, did not anticipate this crisis. Determining the full scale of impact will take decades, though the effect on America’s businesses, however, is closer at hand. As the pandemic peaks and plateaus, we will see which public companies successfully adopted a new-age strategy to retain, attract and communicate with the lifeblood of their existence: the investor community.

The game plan for many CEOs thus far has been to reduce overhead and adjust operations to minimize impact on the bottom-line and ensure continuity with customers. In the midst of these changes, temporary disregard of the financial community to focus on corporate survival is expected, though admissible for only so long and to a small degree. If broader market performance is any indication, existing and perspective stakeholders are watching to gain clear understanding of what measures are taken to manage liquidity. Qualitative information – the company’s new business model and strategic direction – may be more important to convey in the near-term than quantitative financial documents. In order to stabilize stock prices, shareholder performance-expectation must align with the actual decisions made by management.

Of extreme, immediate importance is timely communication that answers the most common questions of the investment community.

For instance: Are there pressures on demand for your goods and services? Are you able to meet this demand? What is the impact from supply chain disruptions? Are projects being delayed or cancelled? How are you managing your human capital? Are you eligible for government assistance?

There are many more questions, with relevancy based upon industry sectors, some of which are impossible to answer during this changing environment. Even so, investors are observing management’s ability to handle the current crisis and evaluating the longer-term merits of making or holding investments. In the absence of concise answers, it is critical that public companies communicate to shareholders how they are monitoring economic indicators and steps they are taking to manage relationships with suppliers and customers.

Is Face-to-Face Gone Forever?

Nothing beats face-to-face communication. The tactility of an in-person meeting can never be replaced, but with the current environment, roadshows, investor luncheons and equity conferences are no longer on near-term calendars. Businesses are forced to find new ways to communicate in both business and social settings. In many cases, the results are better-than-expected and more cost-effective than in-person arrangements. Innovative companies are redirecting their travel dollars to improve their digital presence and create virtual offices. Websites are being overhauled; benign investor relations (IR) sections are coming to life; and webinars and virtual meetings have exploded in both number and the richness of content.

When face-to-face contact is deemed safe, executives will be back on airplanes and checking into hotels. This new digital awareness, however, will not be lost. When the cost-to-benefit analysis is complete, it will gain a permanent place in the IR toolbox.

Planning for Better Times

While trust is a prerequisite for effective IR, it is now more important than ever. “I don’t know what or who to believe,” has replaced “How are you?” as the opening catchphrase. Skepticism is at least on par with optimism.

Fortunately for corporate executives, world governments and mass media have usurped and preserved the lead as those least trustworthy. Mistrust for corporate America, however, still provides a sizable hurdle for those given the task of telling the company story.

When the storytellers are the inside players, the hurdles become taller. Only the most skilled CEOs and CFOs can effectively maneuver through this unprecedented territory. Pure transparency of message – passion without promotion – has always been the bedrock of effective IR and it will be critical in the planning of post-crisis strategies.

Specialized and accredited IR firms – together with third-party, institutional-quality equity research – can help deliver, verify and validate internal messaging.

Think of this in terms of a restaurant. Who best to provide a recommendation: the cook or the customer? Investing in an uncertain future is immensely difficult. But it is the companies with emergent strategies, in the midst of crisis, that captivate the attention of investors. Even Apple was once on the brink of bankruptcy.

Picking the Best Players

Developing an effective IR program is not easy. CEOs and CFOs cannot just hire the solution; they must take an active role in its development. Many companies churn through IR firms, particularly when expectations are not met. Where consistency and clarity of messaging is imperative, churn is not good. Picking the “right” players the first time is imperative in developing a sustainable IR program.

So, what should be looked for in the selection of IR professionals? Specialization is a good start, particularly for companies in complex sectors. It’s akin to choosing a heart surgeon who has performed thousands of surgeries; specific experience will aid in the management of unforeseen circumstances.

Longevity is paramount, both as a firm and in the retention of clients. Longer-term case studies will provide insight into the IR firm’s methodology and how it establishes a rapport with the investment community.

Personnel is also key. Consider the employees of the firm. CEOs and CFOs will need to spend considerable time with the person or team assigned to their account. The chemistry of these relationships will often determine the success of the program. A mutual respect promotes an honest exchange of ideas and information, and a candid discussion of expectations is the kind of relationship that will result in a more cohesive execution of the plan.

Over the last 15 years, attracting the attention of sell-side analysts has become increasingly difficult for small and microcap companies. Independent research provides the foundation for IR initiatives. Through a combination of decimalization, regulation and radical changes in the trading paradigm, small, more illiquid companies struggle to get coverage. Sell-side providers have an equal struggle getting paid by Wall Street for microcap research, so many have moved to higher market cap securities. The evolution of company-sponsored, or “paid” research has provided hope for these companies. With reputable firms, however, the decision to initiate coverage remains with the research department. A rule of thumb: if you can simply “pick them and pay them,” you probably should not.

Company-sponsored equity research (CSR) was stripped of the promotional / propaganda stigma when regulated, licensed equity analysts started writing it. Regulators have clear rules by which this level of analyst must abide by or incur hefty fines, or even ejection from the industry. The broker / dealer that sponsors the publishing analyst is also held responsible for ethical breaches. The relatively small cost to issuers of between $4,000 and $6,000 per month provides little incentive to cheat. Except for the payment method, the CSR process of selection, initiation and coverage through a licensed broker / dealer has not changed. Initially, there were conflict of interest concerns with CSR. Ironically, CSR can reduce conflicts arising from pay-to-play schemes, wherein research is offered in exchange for investment banking arrangements. For a company that has little or no coverage, if CSR is offered, it should be considered using similar standards of specialization and accreditation used in the selection of an IR firm.

Delivering the Message

A balanced and comprehensive IR strategy can only be measured by how it is accessed and by whom. On the research side, CSR or otherwise, institutional investors prefer access through aggregators such as Bloomberg, FactSet, Refinitiv (formerly known as Thomson Reuters) and Capital IQ. Retail distribution is more complex and is usually managed through direct communication with investors or their representatives. A new service,, offers institutional-quality research on small and microcap companies to anyone who registers on the site. This free service also provides advanced market data, webinars and webcasts, podcasts and news. There are more than 6,000 companies listed on, opening a new channel of distribution to individuals and groups who did not have access though the aggregators, which charge hefty fees to users. Family offices, investment advisors, independent brokers, private equity, high-net-worth individuals and the huge and growing group of self-directed investors now have a fighting chance to making more informed decisions like the institutions; plus, at no cost.

Stay Optimistic

Management of even the largest companies are suspending guidance through what should be called the “Uncertainty Pandemic.” The uncertainty, however, doesn’t alleviate the responsibility to execute effective IR with the investment community. Tomorrow’s survival is arguably contingent on today’s strategies. Business leaders must establish flexible, yet defined, crisis management standards – such as the selection of a quality, modern IR firm – and demonstrate their ability to adapt as needed.

While the stock market has seen plenty of volatility this year, the numbers prove that investors are rallying behind American business. At all levels of adversity – and yes, this is probably the highest level we have seen – opportunity exists for those who successfully adapt. One sure strategy is to reevaluate and reenergize IR practices and communication strategies. Investors need companies as much as companies need them. Get on their radar screens. Carpe diem. Seize the day.

About the Author

Stuart Smith is the CEO and Founder of, which is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors via c-suite corporate profiles.

About Channelchek

Channelchek is among the services that have experienced a growing fan base through the pandemic. The online platform provides company-sponsored research and data on small and micro-cap companies alongside pertinent articles, virtual roadshows, CEO discussions, podcasts, and information on over 6,000 companies. For answers to your questions, please contact Channelchek here.


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USA Today, May 4, 2020 The New Age of Investor Relations

Lower Multiples are a Good Case for Utility Investing

Virus Impact on Utilities is Low, Should Utility Stocks be Down Sharply?

Utility stocks, as measured by the Philadelphia Utility Index (UTY), have fallen 12% year to date.  This compares to a 16% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a 10% decline in the S&P 500 Index, and a 22% decline in the Russell 2000 Index.  Utility stocks are conservative investments befitting their low Beta numbers.  When broader markets rise, they go up, but by a smaller amount.  When broader markets fall, they decline, but by a smaller amount. With the drop in utility stock prices, valuation multiples have declined as earnings, and cash flow projections have largely held steady in recent months.  Do lower multiples make a strong case for utility investing? Leading utility analysts such as Andrew Weisel of Scotia Capital argue as much. Or, are there other factors related to COVID-19 to consider before diving into the stocks?

The Case
for Utility Stocks

  • High yields protect returns.  Stocks of Utilities generate steady cash flow because rates are regulated, and sales are predictable.  This allows utility management to return a portion of its cash flow back to investors through a high dividend.  Investors find this comforting because a portion of their expected return is stable even if a utility’s stock price is not.   With an average utility yield around 3%, the spread between utility yields and government bonds has risen fivefold in the last two years.
  • Demand for utility services is
      The economic downturn will undoubtedly force consumers to cut back on discretionary spending.  Electric, gas, and water services are not discretionary, especially when people are spending more time in their homes.  Industrial and commercial demand will undoubtedly fall.  However, margins on larger-user rates are small, and the impact of lost sales will be muted.
  • Utility stocks should perform well in
    today’s low-interest-rate environment
    . Utility stocks perform well when interest rates are low or falling.  This is because their high yield makes them investment surrogates to bonds.  It is also because most utilities are highly leveraged, and lower interest rates mean lower financing costs. 
  • Regulated returns protect utilities
    against any negative effects of COVID-19.
      Utility pricing is set by individual state regulators and designed to provide utilities the opportunity to earn a fair return on their shareholders’ investments.  This limits a utility’s upside but also protects it against competitive pressures, decreases in demand, rising costs, etc.  If there is a negative impact from COVID-19, a utility would have the option to file for higher rates to offset the impact.
  • Lower fuel costs could help demand.  Oil, natural gas, and coal prices have fallen in response to expectations for decreased demand due to the economic downturn.  As the cost to produce utility services fall, it is typically passed on to customers through fuel adjustment clauses.  Thus electric and gas costs to customers will be lower.  To the extent that demand is price-sensitive, utility sales could increase.

The Case Against
Utility Stocks

  • Uncollectable expenses will rise.  A 2018 report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) found that a third of all Americans have trouble paying off their energy bills.  A 2016 McKinsey report found that utilities wrote off approximately two percent of their non-collectible revenues as bad debt.  That percent will undoubtedly increase in response to a sharp rise in unemployment.
  • Demand is falling.  The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects electric demand to fall by 3% overall this year because of business closures.  If you think that lost electric, gas, and water sales to business will be offset by increased use at home, think again.  Most homeowners do not adjust their thermostats when they leave their homes and will not consume more services when they are at home more.
  • Rate relief will be tougher to obtain.  As regulated entities, utilities can petition for a rate increase if they feel it does not have an adequate chance to earn a fair return on equity.  However, a fair return is typically defined as a level above risk-free rates designed to compensate investors for additional risks taken.  With government bond yields at historical lows, the allowed returns granted utilities are also declining.  In addition, regulators are facing increased political pressure to lessen the burden on constituents given economic hardships.  Therefore, it’s possible that regulators may recognize that utilities are earning less due to decreased demand or higher costs but still not grant rate relief.


Utility stocks have been largely ignored over the last fifteen with the economy and the broader market soaring.  They are receiving increased attention in response to COVID-19 and a decline in the stock market.  Like all industries, utilities will be negatively affected by an economic slowdown.  However, the impact is likely to be less than in other industries.  Meanwhile, utility stock prices have fallen sharply, almost as much as the overall market, making now a good time to review your portfolio and consider investing in utilities.


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 Sources:, Matthew DiLallo, The Motley Fool, April 19, 2020, Rakesh Sharma, Energy Central, March 31, 2020, Lawrence C. Strauss, Barrons, March 25, 2020, Ellen Meyers, S&P Global, February 27, 2020, Saqub Iqbal Ahmed, Reuters, February 3, 2020, Anna Gross, Financial Times, March 5, 2020

The Russell Index Reconstitution, What we Expect

The Annual Russell Index Revision and Stocks to Watch

The yearly process of recasting the Russell Indexes began on May 8, 2020, and will be complete by market open on June 29. During the period in between, Russell will rank stocks for additions, for deletions, and to evaluate the names to make sure they conform overall. The methodology is largely transparent to help smooth the process. Still, as you might imagine, with over $900 million invested in passive index funds and $9 trillion in assets linked to Russell indexes, the trading volume of these companies should increase dramatically during this period, and there is, of course, the potential for very profitable long and short trades.

Investors should be aware of the forces at play so they may either get out of the way or become involved by taking positions with those being added or those at the end of their reign within one of the Russell measurements.

COVid-19 Dramatic Valuation

The reconstitution mid-year 2020 is going to impact a much larger number of companies than most years. As with everything else related to the financial markets, the price swings will likely be more amplified than usual. That is to say, more companies than in the recent past will move in, out, or to another index. There should be large price swings as we approach the last trading days in June.

The 2020 Russell
US Index Reconstitution Calendar is as Follows:

• Friday, May 8 – “rank day” – Russell US Index membership eligibility for 2020 reconstitution determined from constituent market capitalization at market close.

• Friday, May 22 – “query period” begins – preliminary shares & free-float information for Russell 3000 Index constituents are published daily & queries welcome (query period runs through June 12)

• June 5 – preliminary U.S. index add & delete lists posted to the FTSE Russell website after 6 PM US eastern time.

• June 12 & 19 – U.S. index add & delete lists (reflecting any updates) posted to the FTSE Russell website after 6 PM US eastern time.

• June 15 – “lockdown” period begins – U.S. index adds & delete lists are considered final • June 26 – Russell Reconstitution is final after the close of the U.S. equity markets.

 • June 29 – equity markets open with the newly reconstituted Russell US Indexes.


Stocks to Watch

The U.S. equity indexes that are subject to annual reconstitution include the broad-cap Russell
  and Russell
, the Russell
index, the large-cap Russell
, Russell
Smallcap Completeness
, Russell
, Russell
, Russell
Top 50 Megacap
, Russell
, Russell
, and the  Russell
Top 500 Index
. These links will provide the definition of each index, which will help if you’re trying to determine what companies will be put into each and what companies will be removed to create the new make-up until next year.

This link (Russell
2000 {19-00}
) may help you get started to find stocks with potential movement within some of the indexes. It is a spreadsheet of last year’s Russell 2000, the current largest U.S companies by capitalization (close of business 5/13/20), and a side-by-side comparison to determine which stocks may wind up in the Russell 2000. We’ve identified 101 candidates shown on our spreadsheet that we are watching. We encourage investors that are looking to avoid or become involved with stocks added or removed to do their own analysis and review of price movements.

In a previous article titled There’s Opportunity When Stock
Market Indices are Reshuffled
, there are samples of historical price and volume activity surrounding stocks being added or removed from a major index.


Suggested Reading:

Index Adjustments and Self-Directed Investors

Climbing the “Wall of Worry”

The Correlation between Passive
Investing and Underperformance


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FTSE Russell Press Release

Expect A Record-Breaking Russell Reconstitution

2000 (19-00)


June 2020

Russell 3000 Index

Fine-tuning 2020 EBITDA Estimate. Challenges Ahead, But Outlook Positive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY)

Fine-tuning 2020 EBITDA Estimate. Challenges Ahead, But Outlook Positive.

EuroDry Ltd. was formed on January 8, 2018 under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and trades on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker EDRY. EDRY is the product of a spin-off of the dry bulk fleet by Euroseas (ESEA) completed in May 2018. For every five ESEA shares, ESEA shareholders received one EDRY share. There are currently ~2.2 million EDRY shares outstanding. EuroDry operates in the dry bulk shipping markets. EuroDry’s operations are managed by Eurobulk Ltd., an affiliated ship management company, and Eurobulk FE (Far East) Ltd, which are responsible for the day-to-day commercial and technical management and operation of the fleet. EuroDry employs the fleet on spot and period charters and through pool arrangements.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Adjusted 1Q2020 EBITDA of $0.8 million was weaker than expected due to lower TCE rates of $7,885/day. 1Q2020 TCE revenue of $4.9 million was below expectations by $1.6million, as TCE rates tied to indices were lower than expected and more than offset higher shipping days.

    Fine-tuning 2020 estimate.  Following the management call, we are moving adjusted 2020 EBITDA estimate lower to $5.7 million based on TCE rates of $8,684/day, down from $6.3 million based on TCE rates of $8,909/day. Given the current weakness in the dry bulk market environment and COVID-19 uncertainty, we are forecasting that weak TCE rates linger into next quarter before recovering in late 3Q2020. There were limited changes in the contract status update, with…

    Click to get the full report.

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY) – Fine-tuning 2020 EBITDA Estimate. Challenges Ahead, But Outlook Positive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY)

Fine-tuning 2020 EBITDA Estimate. Challenges Ahead, But Outlook Positive.

EuroDry Ltd. was formed on January 8, 2018 under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and trades on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker EDRY. EDRY is the product of a spin-off of the dry bulk fleet by Euroseas (ESEA) completed in May 2018. For every five ESEA shares, ESEA shareholders received one EDRY share. There are currently ~2.2 million EDRY shares outstanding. EuroDry operates in the dry bulk shipping markets. EuroDry’s operations are managed by Eurobulk Ltd., an affiliated ship management company, and Eurobulk FE (Far East) Ltd, which are responsible for the day-to-day commercial and technical management and operation of the fleet. EuroDry employs the fleet on spot and period charters and through pool arrangements.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Adjusted 1Q2020 EBITDA of $0.8 million was weaker than expected due to lower TCE rates of $7,885/day. 1Q2020 TCE revenue of $4.9 million was below expectations by $1.6million, as TCE rates tied to indices were lower than expected and more than offset higher shipping days.

    Fine-tuning 2020 estimate.  Following the management call, we are moving adjusted 2020 EBITDA estimate lower to $5.7 million based on TCE rates of $8,684/day, down from $6.3 million based on TCE rates of $8,909/day. Given the current weakness in the dry bulk market environment and COVID-19 uncertainty, we are forecasting that weak TCE rates linger into next quarter before recovering in late 3Q2020. There were limited changes in the contract status update, with…

    Click to get the full report.

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

Q1 2020: Progressing Slowly but Steady

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

electroCore (ECOR)

Q1 2020: Progressing Slowly but Steady

electrocore Inc is a commercial-stage bioelectronic medicine company with a platform for non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation therapy initially focused on neurology and rheumatology. Its product gammaCore is FDA-cleared for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine and episodic cluster headache in adults.

Ahu Demir, Ph.D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Expanding the market potential of gammaCore. In the quarter, electroCore received the 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to expand gammaCore therapy use for the prevention of migraine in adult patients. The company is also evaluating gammaCore for the treatment of Covid-19 symptoms including difficulty in breathing and cytokine storm. These indications represent a large commercial opportunity for the Company.

    Q1 2020 financial update. The company reported $0.7338 mm (+9%) net sales in Q1 2020 compared to $0.675 mm in the previous quarter. The company experienced 19% sequential growth in paid months of therapy, rising to 2,611 in the first quarter of 2020 from 2,195 in the fourth quarter of 2019. The gain in adoption of…

    Click to get the full report.

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

Q1 2020: Continue Progressing on Validation of C1 Platform

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dyadic International Inc. (DYAI)

Q1 2020: Continue Progressing on Validation of C1 Platform

Dyadic International, Inc. is a global biotechnology company which is developing what it believes will be a potentially significant biopharmaceutical gene expression platform based on the industrially proven hyper productive engineered fungus Thermothelomyces heterothallica (formerly Myceliophthora thermophila), named C1.
The C1 microorganism, which enables the development and large scale manufacture of low cost proteins, has the potential to be further developed into a safe and efficient expression system that may help speed up the development, lower production costs and improve the performance of biologic vaccines and drugs at flexible commercial scales. Dyadic is using the C1 technology and other technologies to conduct research, development and commercial activities for the development and manufacturing of human and animal vaccines and drugs, such as virus like particles (VLPs) and antigens, monoclonal antibodies, Fab antibody fragments, Fc-Fusion proteins, biosimilars and/or biobetters, and other therapeutic proteins. Dyadic pursues research and development collaborations, licensing arrangements and other commercial opportunities with its partners and collaborators to leverage the value and benefits of these technologies in development and manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. In particular, as the aging population grows in developed and undeveloped countries, Dyadic believes the C1 technology may help bring biologic vaccines, drugs and other biologic products to market faster, in greater volumes, at lower cost, and with new properties to drug developers and manufacturers, and improve access and cost to patients and the healthcare system, but most importantly save lives.

Ahu Demir, Ph.D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Dyadic has a rich partnership portfolio. Dyadic has established multiple research collaborations assessing C1 technology to improve manufacturing of biologics in human and animal health. The proprietary C1 platform can potentially express various biologic products including Fc-fusion proteins, monoclonal antibodies, Fabs, bi or tri-specifics, gene therapy, vaccines, and others. The company is also evaluating C1 to produce vaccines and antibodies against coronavirus.

    C1’s has the potential to be a superior biomanufacturing technology. We believe these partnerships increase the probability of success of the C1 platform in biologic manufacturing. In our opinion, the demonstration of improved cost effectiveness and high yield production from any of the research collaborations or…

    Click to get the full report.

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

Dyadic International Inc. (DYAI) – Q1 2020: Continue Progressing on Validation of C1 Platform

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dyadic International Inc. (DYAI)

Q1 2020: Continue Progressing on Validation of C1 Platform

Dyadic International, Inc. is a global biotechnology company which is developing what it believes will be a potentially significant biopharmaceutical gene expression platform based on the industrially proven hyper productive engineered fungus Thermothelomyces heterothallica (formerly Myceliophthora thermophila), named C1.
The C1 microorganism, which enables the development and large scale manufacture of low cost proteins, has the potential to be further developed into a safe and efficient expression system that may help speed up the development, lower production costs and improve the performance of biologic vaccines and drugs at flexible commercial scales. Dyadic is using the C1 technology and other technologies to conduct research, development and commercial activities for the development and manufacturing of human and animal vaccines and drugs, such as virus like particles (VLPs) and antigens, monoclonal antibodies, Fab antibody fragments, Fc-Fusion proteins, biosimilars and/or biobetters, and other therapeutic proteins. Dyadic pursues research and development collaborations, licensing arrangements and other commercial opportunities with its partners and collaborators to leverage the value and benefits of these technologies in development and manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. In particular, as the aging population grows in developed and undeveloped countries, Dyadic believes the C1 technology may help bring biologic vaccines, drugs and other biologic products to market faster, in greater volumes, at lower cost, and with new properties to drug developers and manufacturers, and improve access and cost to patients and the healthcare system, but most importantly save lives.

Ahu Demir, Ph.D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Dyadic has a rich partnership portfolio. Dyadic has established multiple research collaborations assessing C1 technology to improve manufacturing of biologics in human and animal health. The proprietary C1 platform can potentially express various biologic products including Fc-fusion proteins, monoclonal antibodies, Fabs, bi or tri-specifics, gene therapy, vaccines, and others. The company is also evaluating C1 to produce vaccines and antibodies against coronavirus.

    C1’s has the potential to be a superior biomanufacturing technology. We believe these partnerships increase the probability of success of the C1 platform in biologic manufacturing. In our opinion, the demonstration of improved cost effectiveness and high yield production from any of the research collaborations or…

    Click to get the full report.

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

electroCore (ECOR) – Q1 2020: Progressing Slowly but Steady

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

electroCore (ECOR)

Q1 2020: Progressing Slowly but Steady

electrocore Inc is a commercial-stage bioelectronic medicine company with a platform for non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation therapy initially focused on neurology and rheumatology. Its product gammaCore is FDA-cleared for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine and episodic cluster headache in adults.

Ahu Demir, Ph.D., Biotechnology Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Expanding the market potential of gammaCore. In the quarter, electroCore received the 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to expand gammaCore therapy use for the prevention of migraine in adult patients. The company is also evaluating gammaCore for the treatment of Covid-19 symptoms including difficulty in breathing and cytokine storm. These indications represent a large commercial opportunity for the Company.

    Q1 2020 financial update. The company reported $0.7338 mm (+9%) net sales in Q1 2020 compared to $0.675 mm in the previous quarter. The company experienced 19% sequential growth in paid months of therapy, rising to 2,611 in the first quarter of 2020 from 2,195 in the fourth quarter of 2019. The gain in adoption of…

    Click to get the full report.

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY) – Challenging Quarter and Near-term Outlook Remains Uncertain

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY)

Challenging Quarter and Near-term Outlook Remains Uncertain

EuroDry Ltd. was formed on January 8, 2018 under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and trades on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker EDRY. EDRY is the product of a spin-off of the dry bulk fleet by Euroseas (ESEA) completed in May 2018. For every five ESEA shares, ESEA shareholders received one EDRY share. There are currently ~2.2 million EDRY shares outstanding. EuroDry operates in the dry bulk shipping markets. EuroDry’s operations are managed by Eurobulk Ltd., an affiliated ship management company, and Eurobulk FE (Far East) Ltd, which are responsible for the day-to-day commercial and technical management and operation of the fleet. EuroDry employs the fleet on spot and period charters and through pool arrangements.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Adjusted 1Q2020 EBITDA of $0.8 million was weaker than expected due to lower TCE rates of $7,885/day. Call with management today at 10:00 am EST to discuss 1Q2020 results. The number is (877) 553-9962 and code is Eurodry.

    Lowering 2020 estimate.  Due to dry bulk market weakness, we are moving adjusted 2020 EBITDA estimate lower to $6.3 million based on TCE rates of $8,909/day, down from $11.5 million based on TCE rates of $11,671/day. Given the current weakness in the dry bulk market environment and COVID-19 uncertainty, we are forecasting that TCE rates remain weak this quarter before recovering in 2H2020. There were limited changes in the contract status update, with…

    Click to get the full report.

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

Challenging Quarter and Near-term Outlook Remains Uncertain

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

EuroDry Ltd. (EDRY)

Challenging Quarter and Near-term Outlook Remains Uncertain

EuroDry Ltd. was formed on January 8, 2018 under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and trades on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker EDRY. EDRY is the product of a spin-off of the dry bulk fleet by Euroseas (ESEA) completed in May 2018. For every five ESEA shares, ESEA shareholders received one EDRY share. There are currently ~2.2 million EDRY shares outstanding. EuroDry operates in the dry bulk shipping markets. EuroDry’s operations are managed by Eurobulk Ltd., an affiliated ship management company, and Eurobulk FE (Far East) Ltd, which are responsible for the day-to-day commercial and technical management and operation of the fleet. EuroDry employs the fleet on spot and period charters and through pool arrangements.

Poe Fratt, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Adjusted 1Q2020 EBITDA of $0.8 million was weaker than expected due to lower TCE rates of $7,885/day. Call with management today at 10:00 am EST to discuss 1Q2020 results. The number is (877) 553-9962 and code is Eurodry.

    Lowering 2020 estimate.  Due to dry bulk market weakness, we are moving adjusted 2020 EBITDA estimate lower to $6.3 million based on TCE rates of $8,909/day, down from $11.5 million based on TCE rates of $11,671/day. Given the current weakness in the dry bulk market environment and COVID-19 uncertainty, we are forecasting that TCE rates remain weak this quarter before recovering in 2H2020. There were limited changes in the contract status update, with…

    Click to get the full report.

This research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.

QuoteMedia (QMCI) – Investing To Accelerate Future Growth

Monday, May 18, 2020

QuoteMedia (QMCI)

Investing To Accelerate Future Growth

QuoteMedia, based in Fountain Hills, Arizona, provides cloud-based financial data, market news feeds, and financial software solutions.  Its customers include financial service companies, online brokerages, clearing firms, banks, media portals, public corporations and individual investors.  The company provides a single source solution providing products such as streaming quotes, charting, historical data, technical analysis, news and research.  Information can customized and provided to multiple platforms including terminals and mobile devices.

Michael Kupinski, DOR, Senior Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.

Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.

    Adjusting 2020 estimates. This report reflects our adjustments to our 2020 estimates, which reflects higher costs to support the prospect for faster revenue growth and margin improvement in 2021.

    Duplicate expenses in 2020. There is spending to develop news feeds, international financial data feeds, analytics, and mutual fund information. For now, it is carrying the costs of development, combined with the costs of third party vendors. As such, we expect margins to improve in 2021 as development costs decline and…

    Click to get the full report.

This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).

certification and important disclosures included in the full report. 
NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of
this research summary.  Proper due diligence is required before
making any investment decision.